Excel - File - Options missing in Office 365


New member
Local time
Today, 01:46
May 24, 2024

the company I work for is moving all files from hard drive to Sharepoint. The Excel online version is missing the File Options box, has is been removed completely from the online version?

Just because they are moving the files to SharePoint, it doesn't mean you have to open them with the On-Line version of Excel, unless they are removing your local Office Subscriptions as well?

There are quite a lot of restrictions with the performance and features of the Online Web version, and if you are even a slight "Power User" you won't put up with it for long.
we are losing all the desktop versions and all the Microsoft programs are going web based!!
it sound a disaster waiting to happen...
Good luck with that. :eek:
Also bear in mind there isn't a Access web version so if you still need to develop Access you need a PC with it installed, or the Runtime for it to run a existing app.
you're not painting a very good picture lol
I'm not very hopeful to be honest, I've not heard good things about the online versions...
you're not painting a very good picture lol
I'm not very hopeful to be honest, I've not heard good things about the online versions...
If your company is taking away the local Office versions, you need to be proactive and report the things that you will no longer be able to do. And that means no Access at all and very limited functionality with Excel.
Are you sure? My company did something similar as regards to files only - they all went to sharepoint, but are you certain they're taking away your desktop Excel? That would seem very drastic for sure. I'm not even sure the formulas are all there, but they may be. Good by macros

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