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Many of my "reports" are acutally queries (or views) from SQL Server / Oracle Linked Tables that use VBA code to create Excel Workbooks.
The outputs can range into hundreds of thousands of records.
It is not just a data-dump into Excel. Threre are complex business rules that look at each record and for example highlight various cells for further analysis. Sometimes, the columns are side-by-side between a SQL Server and Oracle DB and the colors look at single Pairs of Cells to evaluate if they match. Those that do or don't are highlighted so further analysis can take place.
The SQL Views can run in a matter of seconds. But, the detailed VBA automation for matching and highlighting cells can take a long time.
After applying this code a report today dropped from taking 1,890 seconds down to 810 seconds. In another case, a 22 minute report dropped to 1.4 minutes. These were run on the latest I7 4th Generation with 16G of RAM plus my code invokes a function to raise Priority Thread Processing to High for both Access and Excel during the vba automation process.
WARNING: Follow the rules for this code placement
Activate the Code Block - then De-Activate the code block
WARNING: When the code is Activated, the step-by-step code will not show any activity on the Excel side during troubleshooting.
Wait until After creating the Excel object to use this code.
Small example of code to evalueate a pair of Oracle Data / SQL Server Data in Excel Cells. The typical number of records is about 20,000 rows.
Around 25 Column (pairs of Columns) are evaluated. Just this loop runs around 500,000 times. There are 3 other variations of this.
The SQL/Oracle Views including T-SQL Functions take about 11 seconds due to the slow VPN to Oracle. The setup for Excel and file saving take about 6 seconds. Some other vba formatting overhead takes about 18 seconds.
The VBA looping for formatting dropped from over 1,800 seconds to about 800 seconds. This is just one of the loops:
De-Activate - Must be done before any Printer Setup VBA
Deactivate before Printer setup code
Example of Printer Setup code:
The outputs can range into hundreds of thousands of records.
It is not just a data-dump into Excel. Threre are complex business rules that look at each record and for example highlight various cells for further analysis. Sometimes, the columns are side-by-side between a SQL Server and Oracle DB and the colors look at single Pairs of Cells to evaluate if they match. Those that do or don't are highlighted so further analysis can take place.
The SQL Views can run in a matter of seconds. But, the detailed VBA automation for matching and highlighting cells can take a long time.
After applying this code a report today dropped from taking 1,890 seconds down to 810 seconds. In another case, a 22 minute report dropped to 1.4 minutes. These were run on the latest I7 4th Generation with 16G of RAM plus my code invokes a function to raise Priority Thread Processing to High for both Access and Excel during the vba automation process.
WARNING: Follow the rules for this code placement
Activate the Code Block - then De-Activate the code block
WARNING: When the code is Activated, the step-by-step code will not show any activity on the Excel side during troubleshooting.
Wait until After creating the Excel object to use this code.
objxl.ScreenUpdating = False
objxl.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'To turn Off the automatic calculation
objxl.EnableEvents = False
objxl.ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
Small example of code to evalueate a pair of Oracle Data / SQL Server Data in Excel Cells. The typical number of records is about 20,000 rows.
Around 25 Column (pairs of Columns) are evaluated. Just this loop runs around 500,000 times. There are 3 other variations of this.
The SQL/Oracle Views including T-SQL Functions take about 11 seconds due to the slow VPN to Oracle. The setup for Excel and file saving take about 6 seconds. Some other vba formatting overhead takes about 18 seconds.
The VBA looping for formatting dropped from over 1,800 seconds to about 800 seconds. This is just one of the loops:
NavColumn = 5
RegColumn = 6
' Columns are in pair of Nav Reg - look at values per row and turn those that don't match red -
' Note a MyName and MyNameABC - will match but a MyNameABC MyName will not match - There wasn't enough difference to justify running the huge code twice
For j = 5 To 55 Step 2
NavColumn = j
RegColumn = j + 1
For i = 6 To LastRow
If objxl.Cells(i, NavColumn).Value <> "" Then 'This will omit blank cells at the end (in the event that the column lengths are not equal.
If InStr(1, objxl.Cells(i, RegColumn).Value, objxl.Cells(i, NavColumn).Value, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
'You may notice in the above instr statement, I have used * vbTextCompare * instead of its numerical value, _
' I find this much more reliable as Oracle returns Text value and SQL Server can return Numeric values.
' NOTE they are already black and white - so comment them out - leaving should they want a Green pass color
DH_InWellDescName = DoesWellDescriptionEndWithDorH(CLng(objxl.Cells(i, 4)))
If DH_InWellDescName Then ' don't match > column 32
' NOTE The non-match makes backgound and font RED - both columns since we don't know what one is wrong.
objxl.Cells(i, NavColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(156, 0, 6) 'Dark red background
objxl.Cells(i, NavColumn).Font.Color = RGB(255, 199, 206) 'Light red font color
objxl.Cells(i, RegColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(156, 0, 6) 'Dark red background
objxl.Cells(i, RegColumn).Font.Color = RGB(255, 199, 206) 'Light red font color
objxl.Cells(i, 4).Font.Color = RGB(200, 199, 206) 'NOTE if any cell turns color then make Reg ID Red to indicate column has one Red cell
If NavColumn < 32 Then
objxl.Cells(i, NavColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(156, 0, 6) 'Dark red background
objxl.Cells(i, NavColumn).Font.Color = RGB(255, 199, 206) 'Light red font color
objxl.Cells(i, RegColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(156, 0, 6) 'Dark red background
objxl.Cells(i, RegColumn).Font.Color = RGB(255, 199, 206) 'Light red font color
objxl.Cells(i, 4).Font.Color = RGB(255, 199, 206) 'NOTE if any cell turns color then make Reg ID Red to indicate column has one Red cell
objxl.Cells(i, 4).Interior.Color = RGB(156, 0, 6) 'Dark red background
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
De-Activate - Must be done before any Printer Setup VBA
' end speedup
objxl.ScreenUpdating = True
objxl.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'To turn On the automatic calculation
objxl.EnableEvents = True
objxl.ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
Example of Printer Setup code:
2620 .LeftMargin = objxl.Application.InchesToPoints(0.25)
2630 .RightMargin = objxl.Application.InchesToPoints(0.25)
2640 .TopMargin = objxl.Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
2650 .BottomMargin = objxl.Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
2660 .HeaderMargin = objxl.Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)
2670 .FooterMargin = objxl.Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)
2680 .PrintHeadings = False
2690 .PrintGridlines = False
2700 .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments
2710 .PrintQuality = 600
2720 .CenterHorizontally = False
2730 .CenterVertically = False
2740 .Orientation = xlLandscape ' or use xlPortrait '
2750 .Draft = False
2760 .PaperSize = xlPaper11x17
2770 .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic
2780 .Order = xlOverThenDown
2790 .BlackAndWhite = False
'.Zoom = 56
2800 .Zoom = False
2810 .FitToPagesWide = 1
2820 .FitToPagesTall = False
2830 .OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False
2840 .DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = False
2850 .ScaleWithDocHeaderFooter = True
2860 .AlignMarginsHeaderFooter = True
2870 .PrintTitleRows = "$1:$" & (intRowPos - 1) ' repeats header row 1 to 5
2880 .LeftFooter = "Page &P of &N"
2890 .RightFooter = "&D"
2900 End With