Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate? (1 Viewer)

Pat, I remember that you said that Trump was joking about suspending the constitution. That seems to have the serious part, the joke was when talked about the lower prices.
It took Biden two years before his changes caused massive inflation. Trump cannot fix problems overnight. Biden caused millions of chickens to be needlessly slaughtered. It takes months to raise a new generation of laying hens and get them all distributed so that egg production can get back to normal and prices for eggs will come down. Same for gas. Biden shut down oil pipelines. Not sure if the builders will trust us ever again so will they pick up where they left off? Will we have to pay damages to get them to do it? Biden stopped exploration. It takes quite a while to get a producing field up and running. The courts are fighting Trump tooth and nail. Every time he wants to do something, he has to overcome legal hurdles. Trump is going to need more lawyers since the Supremes and Congress are not helping to shut down the rogue judges who think they can stop the wheels of Federal government.

GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! That's how Trump will succeed.
It took Biden two years before his changes caused massive inflation. Trump cannot fix problems overnight. Biden caused millions of chickens to be needlessly slaughtered. It takes months to raise a new generation of laying hens and get them all distributed so that egg production can get back to normal and prices for eggs will come down. Same for gas. Biden shut down oil pipelines. Not sure if the builders will trust us ever again so will they pick up where they left off? Will we have to pay damages to get them to do it? Biden stopped exploration. It takes quite a while to get a producing field up and running. The courts are fighting Trump tooth and nail. Every time he wants to do something, he has to overcome legal hurdles. Trump is going to need more lawyers since the Supremes and Congress are not helping to shut down the rogue judges who think they can stop the wheels of Federal government.

GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! That's how Trump will succeed.
1. Inflation was down to 3% in Biden's last year.
2. The COVID stimulus spending was higher under Trump than Biden.
3. Trump's policies on bird flu are no different than Biden's policies.
4. The Congress makes laws under the US Constitution. It doesn't matter if Trump wants to do something, he needs to ask Congress, because only Congress can change laws. That is the "legal hurdle" he keeps on running into.
1. Inflation was down to 3% in Biden's last year.
1. It was far less under Trump's last year. But Biden deliberately forced inflation to highs we haven't seen for 40 years. This is a tactic that governments employ which steals money from taxpayers but benefits the government since they get to repay all the money they borrowed with pennies on the dollar. Forcing the price of gas to rise causes ALL prices to rise since everything needs to get transported to get to market.
2. Trump was against the stimulus but succumbed to pressure
3. The killing of chickens went further than it needed to in order to contain the spread.
4. Tell that to Obama with his pen and phone. The reason our immigration system is a mess is because Congress flatly refuses to fix the actual problems with legislation. Both the Dems and Republications want illegal immigration but for different reasons. It is only the public who thinks immigration laws should be enforced.
1. It was far less under Trump's last year. But Biden deliberately forced inflation to highs we haven't seen for 40 years. This is a tactic that governments employ which steals money from taxpayers but benefits the government since they get to repay all the money they borrowed with pennies on the dollar. Forcing the price of gas to rise causes ALL prices to rise since everything needs to get transported to get to market.
2. Trump was against the stimulus but succumbed to pressure
3. The killing of chickens went further than it needed to in order to contain the spread.
4. Tell that to Obama with his pen and phone. The reason our immigration system is a mess is because Congress flatly refuses to fix the actual problems with legislation. Both the Dems and Republications want illegal immigration but for different reasons. It is only the public who thinks immigration laws should be enforced.
This the first I heard about Trump being against the stimulus. He signed the bill into law and insisted that his signature appear on the checks.

Are you saying that we can't hold Trump responsible for his own actions because he is weak?
This the first I heard about Trump being against the stimulus. He signed the bill into law and insisted that his signature appear on the checks.
He signed lots of spending bills he didn't approve of. The "Republicans" in the House kept voting with the Democrats giving him no option except to shut the government down. I thought he was going to stick to his guns the first time but he caved to pressure. Trump is not weak but he also needs the support of his own party to accomplish his goals. He never had that during his first term and he barely has it now. Just look at the funding bills that POS Johnson keeps pushing. He had the Speaker of the house and the Senate Majority leader ACTIVELY undermining him and the same thing is happening this time. AND they are both members of his own party.
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He signed lots of spending bills he didn't approve of. The "Republicans" in the House kept voting with the Democrats giving him no option except to shut the government down. I thought he was going to stick to his guns the first time but he caved to pressure. Trump is not weak but he also needs the support of his own party to accomplish his goals. He never had that during his first term and he barely has it now. Just look at the funding bills that POS Johnson keeps pushing. He had the Speaker of the house and the Senate Majority leader ACTIVELY undermining him and the same thing is happening this time.
Trump called individual Republican congressmen to get them to support the omnibus spending bill (with no meaningful spending cuts). Is there some point where Trump can be held responsible for his own actions? Trump also helped elect Speaker Johnson.
1. Inflation was down to 3% in Biden's last year.
When biden administration is in control of putting out false manipulated numbers like they did with jobs reports, the numbers become meaningless. At no time during the Biden years did people feel the effects of a real 3% inflation rate. They most certainly did in the Trump 45 years and they want that feeling again. Hasn't happened yet sadly, the damage done was so destructive.

Trump called individual Republican congressmen to get them to support the omnibus spending bill (with no meaningful spending cuts). Is there some point where Trump can be held responsible for his own actions? Trump also helped elect Speaker Johnson.
He also appointed Amie to the SCOTUS and it looks like she is turning out to be a real Trump Hater. At the time, I thought the decision was very sound based on her record, but now we see she has been tainted by Roberts. Who among us is worthy?
Trump called individual Republican congressmen to get them to support the omnibus spending bill (with no meaningful spending cuts). Is there some point where Trump can be held responsible for his own actions? Trump also helped elect Speaker Johnson.
Trump is a practical man but not a good politician. He goes with what he thinks he can get. If I were in charge, I would ban Omnibus bills and make EVERY bill one topic and less than 5 pages AND require at least 5 days to review before voting. The way Congress operates is based on the ol' boy network. You vote for my pork, I'll vote for yours. It is sickening. EVERY bill should stand on its own merits AND we need to actually put an end to the pork. DOGE is making it quite clear how members of Congress are able to funnel money to their own personal (or family) coffers and that gravy train is quickly coming to an end which is why the Democrats (and quite a few Republicans) are apoplectic over DOGE's actions.
Trump is a practical man but not a good politician. He goes with what he thinks he can get. If I were in charge, I would ban Omnibus bills and make EVERY bill one topic and less than 5 pages AND require at least 5 days to review before voting. The way Congress operates is based on the ol' boy network. You vote for my pork, I'll vote for yours. It is sickening. EVERY bill should stand on its own merits AND we need to actually put an end to the pork. DOGE is making it quite clear how members of Congress are able to funnel money to their own personal (or family) coffers and that gravy train is quickly coming to an end which is why the Democrats (and quite a few Republicans) are apoplectic over DOGE's actions.
Good luck with getting everyone to agree to that.
He also appointed Amie to the SCOTUS and it looks like she is turning out to be a real Trump Hater. At the time, I thought the decision was very sound based on her record, but now we see she has been tainted by Roberts. Who among us is worthy?
I never liked Barret and Roberts is a real POS. I have written him many letters regarding his stupid, unconstitutional decisions.
Trump is a practical man but not a good politician. He goes with what he thinks he can get. If I were in charge, I would ban Omnibus bills and make EVERY bill one topic and less than 5 pages AND require at least 5 days to review before voting. The way Congress operates is based on the ol' boy network. You vote for my pork, I'll vote for yours. It is sickening. EVERY bill should stand on its own merits AND we need to actually put an end to the pork. DOGE is making it quite clear how members of Congress are able to funnel money to their own personal (or family) coffers and that gravy train is quickly coming to an end which is why the Democrats (and quite a few Republicans) are apoplectic over DOGE's actions.
DOGE has saved virtually no money. They have to keep taking down their own claims because they lacked factual basis.
DOGE has saved virtually no money. They have to keep taking down their own claims because they lacked factual basis.
It's just getting started. Come back after a year and a half and see what the total savings is.
DOGE has saved virtually no money. They have to keep taking down their own claims because they lacked factual basis.
The Dems are suing the administration to prevent claw backs and the Supremes are apparently somewhere in the money laundering scheme because they also want it to continue. They think that Stacy Abrams should keep all of the 2 BILLION dollars and distribute it as she sees fit. Yes, most of the USAid money is one time only stuff and gone but DOGE has exposed the practice of Congress dumping bundles of money into discretionary funds that each agency gets to distribute according to who bribes whom. But DOGE is also finding expired contracts which are still getting payments as well as other waste. The RIFs will save a lot of money once the extra people are gone. Then the government has to find a way to unload all of its unneeded office space in DC without crushing the RE market. DOGE is also identifying no-show "employees" and they will be "fired". They will show Medicaid and Medicare how to identify fraud and stop it since clearly the agencies have no clue now. They will also show the SSA how to clean up its roles and make sure that dead people get taken off and individuals don't collect multiple checks as well as the other fraud they identified.

So you can't say that DOGE hasn't saved money. They are showing the way to the permanent employees so THEY can do their jobs right and take care of the people's money responsibly. We also need time for the dust to settle before we know what next years staffing levels will be.
The Dems are suing the administration to prevent claw backs and the Supremes are apparently somewhere in the money laundering scheme because they also want it to continue. They think that Stacy Abrams should keep all of the 2 BILLION dollars and distribute it as she sees fit. Yes, most of the USAid money is one time only stuff and gone but DOGE has exposed the practice of Congress dumping bundles of money into discretionary funds that each agency gets to distribute according to who bribes whom. But DOGE is also finding expired contracts which are still getting payments as well as other waste. The RIFs will save a lot of money once the extra people are gone. Then the government has to find a way to unload all of its unneeded office space in DC without crushing the RE market. DOGE is also identifying no-show "employees" and they will be "fired". They will show Medicaid and Medicare how to identify fraud and stop it since clearly the agencies have no clue now. They will also show the SSA how to clean up its roles and make sure that dead people get taken off and individuals don't collect multiple checks as well as the other fraud they identified.

So you can't say that DOGE hasn't saved money. They are showing the way to the permanent employees so THEY can do their jobs right and take care of the people's money responsibly. We also need time for the dust to settle before we know what next years staffing levels will be.
Civilian payroll is only 4% of Federal spending. Their focus on payroll shows that they have no understanding of the Federal budget.

Musk claimed that there were millions of Social Security recipients over age 99. There were actually 60,000 centenarians on Social Security. What makes you think that DOGE has the skills to stop fraud? Remember that firing the Inspector Generals whose job it was to identify fraud was Trump's first step.

What is your evidence for massive fraud? Was a preliminary audit done?
Civilian payroll is only 4% of Federal spending. Their focus on payroll shows that they have no understanding of the Federal budget.
So we shouldn't cut payroll????? What about all those generous government benefits? Do we want to cut those? We can't without cutting payroll. If no number is ever too small to cut, we can NEVER CUT ANYTHING!!

Musk claimed that there were millions of Social Security recipients over age 99.
NO, he claimed there were millions of people over 99 active on the SSA roles. i.e. NOT DEAD. Not the same thing and misreported everywhere.

They should have waited until they could report the age groups of the recipients. That is what all the talking heads assumed they were reporting but that isn't what they said.

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