Export report with objects


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:50
Sep 10, 2002
If someone can help me out on this one, that would be GREAT.

I have a report that consists of an object field which displays a picture and a text field underneath it as a description. I use the column settings in the page setup to display 8 columns.

When I try to export the report to an RTF or XLS, the descriptions come over fine, but the pictures do not.

I need to bring this report to a printing place to use a color laser printer, but their computers do not support MS Access. I need to export the report, but I need the pictures in the export. Is my only option to print to a file (postscript?) and print the file?

Please let me know. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Have you considered exporting the report in "Snapshot" format.

The third party could then use "Snapshot Viewer" to view the report (ie: no need for Access)

Snapshot viewer is readily available from MS website.

Just a thought.

Thanks for your reply. :)

Yes, I have tried snapshot viewer, but I was concerned that the workstations at the printing place wouldn't necessarily have Internet access. I guess I could download the Snapshot viewer and burn it onto the same CD as my snapshot-report, right? View it, and print it, from the CD?

Anyways... I'll give it a try, but any verification would be valuable.

Thanks again.


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