Extracting data from Text File (2 Viewers)


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Today, 08:46
Jan 3, 2025
I have this request, I have this txt file that has information that I need in my database. The information is always on the same spot. The filename is different every time so I would have to look for the file.


The main idea is to get these 3 text segment into my form by extracting and importing data automatically.


Thanks to anyone that my help me with this. As you could see, Im not and expert in type of situations.
paste the code into the form module area

put a button on the form to run: Pick1File
to pick the text file you want to load.
it will then parse the file to fill in the boxes. rename the form box names to YOUR CONTROL NAMES

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub Pick1File()
Dim vFile

vFile = UserPick1File()
If vFile <> "" Then
   'do somethin with file
   ImportTxtData vFile
End If

End Sub

'load data into form
Public Sub ImportTxtData(ByVal pvFile)
Dim vLine, vSerial, vBitKey, vRecover
Dim i As Integer

Close 1
Open pvFile For Input As #1

Line Input #1, vLine
While Not EOF(1)
   Select Case True
      Case InStr(vLine, "Serial") > 0
         i = InStr(vLine, ":")
         vSerial = Trim(Mid(vLine, i + 1))
      Case InStr(vLine, "Bitlocker Key") > 0
         i = InStr(vLine, ":")
         vBitKey = Trim(Mid(vLine, i + 1))
      Case InStr(vLine, "Bitlocker Recovery Key") > 0
           Line Input #1, vLine
           Line Input #1, vLine
         vRecover = Trim(vLine)
   End Select
   Line Input #1, vLine
Close 1

'fill in form boxes..rename them to YOUR CONTROL NAMES
txtMachName = vSerial
txtBitlocker = vBitKey
txtvRecover = vRecover

End Sub

Public Function UserPick1File(Optional pvPath)
Dim strTable As String
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim sDialogMsg As String, sDecr  As String, sExt As String
Const msoFileDialogViewList = 1
Const msoFileDialogSaveAs = 2
Const msoFileDialogFilePicker = 3
Dim lFilterIndex As Long

'getFilterTxt pvFilter, sDecr, sExt, sDialog
If IsMissing(pvPath) Then pvPath = "c:\"

''SetFileFilter pvFilter, sDecr, sExt, sDialogMsg

'Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs) =2     'SAVE AS
'Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) =3  'file OPEN

With Application.FileDialog(3)   'REFERENCE not needed now : Microsoft Office XX.0 Object Library
    .AllowMultiSelect = True
    .Title = sDialogMsg   ' "Locate a file to Import"
    .ButtonName = "Import"
    '.Filters.Add sDecr, sExt
        '.Filters.Add "Access Files", "*.accdb;*.mdb"
        '.Filters.Add "Excel Files", "*.xlsx"
    '.Filters.Add "_All Files", "*.*"
    .Filters.Add "Text Files", "*.txt"
      For lFilterIndex = 1 To .Filters.Count
        'Debug.Print lFilterIndex, .Filters(lFilterIndex).Description
              'get pdf format from type filter
           If InStr(.Filters(lFilterIndex).Description, "PDF") > 0 Then
               .FilterIndex = lFilterIndex
               Exit For
           End If
    .InitialFileName = pvPath
    .InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList    'msoFileDialogViewThumbnail

        If .show = 0 Then
           'There is a problem
           Exit Function
        End If

    'Save the first file selected
    UserPick1File = Trim(.SelectedItems(1))
End With
End Function
I was going to say maybe you could also try using Regular Expressions.
The information is always on the same spot.
If it is like you say, then you could use the following code to extract the information of the string which has been read from the file.

The constant 'LINEBREAK_TO_USE' should be 'vbCrLf', 'vbCr' or 'vbLf', depending on the line break used in the file.

The variable 'source' ist just to hold the content of the file.

Const LINEBREAK_TO_USE As String = vbCrLf

Dim source As String
source = "Serial Number: Serial Number:  MXL44832H7" & LINEBREAK_TO_USE & _
         "Bitlocker Key: FS@HomeWork" & LINEBREAK_TO_USE & _
         LINEBREAK_TO_USE & _
         "Bitlocker Recovery Key" & LINEBREAK_TO_USE & _
         "{2414C6B9-82E0-4E04-99BF-8CFFBEF158F9}" & LINEBREAK_TO_USE & _

Dim lines() As String
lines = Split(source, LINEBREAK_TO_USE)

Dim lineParts() As String

Dim part1 As String
lineParts = Split(lines(0), " ")
part1 = lineParts(UBound(lineParts))

Dim part2 As String
lineParts = Split(lines(1), " ")
part2 = lineParts(UBound(lineParts))

Dim part3 As String
part3 = lines(5)

Debug.Print part1
Debug.Print part2
Debug.Print part3
Hi, I was able to get data into the fields but i get and error . Also im being request to get date of the file and put it n L2 field


Can you help me please. Thanks

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