Fast export Access table to Excel


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:33
Aug 15, 2010
I have an Access table which has anywhere from 20000 to 80000 records. The number of table fields is variable ranging from 9 to 20. Exporting the table records one by one takes time (several minutes).

Is there a more time-efficient way of exporting the records.

In the specific case where the table has 20000 records with 9 fields, I can have the Excel spreadsheet prepared in advance with the specific field sequence that appears in the table.

If you just want to dump a table or a query into excel, just click/mark the table/query and select export form the menu and the wizzard will guide you through it.


We are talking about a commercial product where the user needs to export with a click of a button.

JR, thanks for your reply,

Do you know which is the fastest way (timewise) to export?
No you have to test it, but the computers today are fast so just a recorddump should be pretty fast regardless of the methode.

What could take time is formatting the excel sheet if you want to do something fancy, or if you manipulate/evaluate the recordset prior to export.

Just did a quick test using the code solution and it took less than a second to pull 25000 records over LAN from the time I clicked the button to excel was up and running with all the records.

Thanks JR,

There is no need for formatting the Excel, since this will be preformatted.

I will trya bit later when I am in front of the pc.

Did you use "SendTQ2Excel" for your test?

Thanks John
Thanks JR,
I just tried it. It turned more than 2 minutes of run time into less than 1 second!!
Good job.
Many thanks.
To post reply,

The method I was looking for was CopyFromRecordset

objResultsSheet.Range("A3").CopyFromRecordset rst

where rst = Recordset (and could be RecordsetClone)

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