Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 09:46
Jul 9, 2003
As an outsider with only a basic understanding of American politics, I’ve come to the conclusion that FEMA might not just be about helping people. Instead, it seems like a tool to take control of situations like hurricanes, overriding the American people's natural tendency to act independently and help each other.

In times of crisis, neighbors would normally step up, and communities would rally together. But when FEMA steps in, control is centralized, creating a dependency on federal assistance. This shifts the focus from "we can do this ourselves" to "we need help from the government," slowly eroding the American spirit of self-reliance. It makes you wonder: is this really about helping, or is it about control?
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I’ve come to the conclusion that FEMA might not just be about helping people.
Like many federal agencies, FEMA has been weaponized to serve the interests of the Democratic party. The situation is unclear, but it appears that FEMA has been used to provide (illegal) humanitarian assistance to illegal immigrants. That should not be the role of FEMA. The role of FEMA is to provide disaster assistance. Illegal immigrants are not a natural disaster like a hurricane and/or earthquake.

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