Filter form for report


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:48
Dec 7, 2000
HI clever pepole

I am working in a filter form to filter the results of a report. I have managed to get this working for one field but i want to filter on at least two. can anyone help me with this code to add the second field. This is the code i have used so far:

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

strWhere = "[company name] " & cbooperator & " '" & txtValue2 & "' "
With callreport
.Filter = strWhere
.FilterOn = True
.txtFilter.Visible = True
.txtFilter = strWhere
.lblFilter.Visible = True
End With

End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
txtValue2 = ""
With callreport
.Filter = ""
.FilterOn = False
.txtFilter.Visible = False
.lblFilter.Visible = False
End With[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Plus some other code in the report Etc.. but i think this is the main part where i need to be looking


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