Filter Records


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 06:27
Feb 5, 2025

Can someone help me with this code:

i want to create a filter for my report, when click print it will filter date 21 previous month to 20 current month (example: 21 january - 20 february). The start date in reports should be 21 previous month to current.

Option Compare Database
' Handles the month filter change

Private Sub cboMonthFilter_AfterUpdate()

    Dim selectedMonth As Integer

    Dim filterCriteria As String

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    ' Check if "All" is selected and clear only the month filter

    If Me.cboMonthFilter = "All" Then


        MsgBox "Month filter cleared. Showing all records for EmpNo: " & Me.EmpNo, vbInformation

        Exit Sub

    End If

    ' Check if a valid month is selected

    If IsNull(Me.cboMonthFilter) Or Me.cboMonthFilter = "" Then

        Me.FilterOn = False

        MsgBox "Filter cleared.", vbInformation

        Exit Sub

    End If

    ' Convert the selected month name to a month number

    selectedMonth = MonthNameToNumber(Me.cboMonthFilter.Value)

    ' Apply filters


    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical

End Sub

' Handles the year filter change

Private Sub cboYearFilter_AfterUpdate()

    On Error Resume Next


End Sub

Private Sub ApplyFilters()

    Dim filterCriteria As String

    Dim selectedMonth As Integer

    Dim selectedYear As String

    Dim recordCount As Integer

    Dim empNumber As String

    ' Store the current EmpNo before applying the filter

    empNumber = Nz(Me.EmpNo, "")

    ' Ensure EmpNo is not empty

    If empNumber = "" Then

        MsgBox "No Employee Number found!", vbExclamation

        Exit Sub

    End If

    ' Start with a base filter for EmpNo

    filterCriteria = "EmpNo = '" & empNumber & "' AND Not IsNull([CheckInTime]) AND Not IsNull([CheckOutTime])"

    ' Handle year filter

    If Not IsNull(Me.cboYearFilter) And Me.cboYearFilter <> "All" Then

        filterCriteria = filterCriteria & " AND Year([Date]) = " & Me.cboYearFilter

    End If

    ' Handle month filter

    If Not IsNull(Me.cboMonthFilter) And Me.cboMonthFilter <> "All" Then

        selectedMonth = MonthNameToNumber(Me.cboMonthFilter.Value)

        filterCriteria = filterCriteria & " AND Month([Date]) = " & selectedMonth

    End If

    ' Apply the filter

    Me.Filter = filterCriteria

    Me.FilterOn = True

    ' Check the number of records

    recordCount = Me.Recordset.recordCount

    ' If no records are found, keep only the EmpNo filter and prevent empty dataset issue

    If recordCount = 0 Then

        MsgBox "There are no overtime records.", vbExclamation, "No Records Found"


        ' Restore only the EmpNo filter

        Me.Filter = "EmpNo = '" & empNumber & "' AND Not IsNull([CheckInTime]) AND Not IsNull([CheckOutTime])"

        Me.FilterOn = True


        ' Move to the first record to ensure form does not appear empty

        If Not Me.Recordset.EOF Then


        End If

    End If

End Sub

' Convert month name to month number

Private Function MonthNameToNumber(monthName As String) As Integer

    Select Case monthName

        Case "January": MonthNameToNumber = 1

        Case "February": MonthNameToNumber = 2

        Case "March": MonthNameToNumber = 3

        Case "April": MonthNameToNumber = 4

        Case "May": MonthNameToNumber = 5

        Case "June": MonthNameToNumber = 6

        Case "July": MonthNameToNumber = 7

        Case "August": MonthNameToNumber = 8

        Case "September": MonthNameToNumber = 9

        Case "October": MonthNameToNumber = 10

        Case "November": MonthNameToNumber = 11

        Case "December": MonthNameToNumber = 12

        Case Else: MonthNameToNumber = 0

    End Select

End Function

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()

    Dim filterCriteria As String

    Dim startDate As Date

    Dim endDate As Date

    Dim currentDate As Date

    Dim prevMonth As Integer

    Dim prevYear As Integer


    On Error GoTo ErrHandler


    ' Get the current date

    currentDate = Date

    ' Determine start and end date for filtering

    If Day(currentDate) >= 21 Then

        ' If the current day is 21 or later, set startDate to the 21st of the previous month

        startDate = DateSerial(Year(currentDate), Month(currentDate) - 1, 21)

        endDate = DateSerial(Year(currentDate), Month(currentDate), 20)


        ' If the current day is before the 21st, set startDate to the 21st of two months ago

        prevMonth = Month(currentDate) - 2

        prevYear = Year(currentDate)

        If prevMonth <= 0 Then

            prevMonth = prevMonth + 12

            prevYear = prevYear - 1

        End If

        startDate = DateSerial(prevYear, prevMonth, 21)

        endDate = DateSerial(Year(currentDate), Month(currentDate) - 1, 20)

    End If

    ' Construct filter criteria with properly formatted dates

    filterCriteria = "[CheckInTime] >= #" & Format(startDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# AND [CheckInTime] <= #" & Format(endDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"

    ' Open the "OvertimeRecords" report with the current filter

    DoCmd.OpenReport "OvertimeRecords", acViewPreview, , filterCriteria

    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "An error occurred while trying to print: " & Err.Description, vbCritical

End Sub
Last edited:
Please edit your post to place code between CODE tags. This will retain formatting and make it easier to read. Click the </> button on post edit toolbar.

Or you can provide db file for analysis. Follow instructions at bottom of my post.

Explain issue with code - error message, wrong result, nothing happens? Have you done any debugging?

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