Whenever you do a global find and replace, you should make a backup. However, I assumed you knew that the find and replace in VBA worked ONLY ON VBA.
I'm not sure that the MZ tools works on all the other objects.
Access does have an additional feature which is very dangerous and so experts usually recommend that it be turned off unless you specifically want to use it and that is the Name Auto Correct feature. When you turn it on, make sure to turn on the log also so you can see what has been changed.
Pay close attention and make several backups. At least one should be zipped-
The table whose name you want to change is almost certainly linked. If it is, delete the link and then import the definition from the BE. Do NOT import the data.
1. Turn on the Object Dependencies by pushing the button
2. This is what you see:
As you click on each table/query/form/report, the list at the right will change. You can look at the dependencies two ways. Objects that depend on me and Objects that I depend on. This will give you an over view of what Access will actually change. REMEMBER, it does NOT change every reference. For that you need a good Find & Replace too.
3. Start by changing the table name since that is what you want to change. Then, one by one - and this is CRITICAL to avoid the problems associated with this "feature", open each object that you think got changed. Use an old version to keep track of how the list looked originally so you make sure to open EVERYTHING. The reason for this is because Access does NOT propagate the change at the time you make it. It makes a note to itself that it needs to but it doesn't do it immediately. It only makes the change the next time you open an object that needs to be changed. This is where people get into trouble. If they make multiple changes to the same object without opening it, the changes can get confused.
4. Don't forget to delete the local, empty table and relink to your actual table in the BE.
5. Once you are sure everything works, turn off the Name Auto Correct and make a new backup. Leaving it on is dangerous. For example, if it is on and you rename an object to make a backup so you can change the new version, you will end up with that change being propagated and your form being linked to xxOldName instead of the new version of OldName.