Find as you type combos


New member
Local time
Today, 22:24
Jan 19, 2024
Hi, I downloaded the sample database, made by @MajP :

Find (Filter) as You Type Controls (Combobox, Listbox, Form)​

It works very well, but I have a problem on the NotInList event: using the class requery method (as advised to in comments), it works fine on a single form (I put the requery on Activate event). It fails on a continuous form, though.

Before FAYT, I had a code like this:
cmbTownID_NotInList: Docmd.OpenForm "Towns", etc.
form Towns_Close: Forms![Customer]![cmbTownID].Requery

Now, with FAYT I deleted form Towns_Close event and have the following code:
form Customers_Activate: FAYT.requery

It works well if Customers is a single form (although I don't know it's good performance-wise to have a combobox requery every time the form is activated); it fails if Customers is a continuous form.

Thank you very much for your time!
What does ‘it fails’ mean? You get an error? Nothing happens? Something else?

your code as provided won’t compile anyway
When I open Customers form as a continuous form, I get the 3078 error, on Public Property Let RowSource, at row:
Set RS = Currentdb.OpenRecordset(NewRowSource)
I do not understand the activate event. Where and why call the activate event?
The following works for me

Private Sub cmboProduct_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
  DoCmd.OpenForm "frmProducts", , , , , acDialog
 'must open acdialog to stop code execution
  Response = acDataErrAdded
 'must requery the class
End Sub
However, you may have to verify that once you close "Towns" you did in fact enter the new value without modification This is one reason I am not a big fan of the not in list even unless it is a very simple list. If it is a single value then I will normally prompt if they want to add to the list without opening a form. But most of the time there is additional fields that are required. So I often have a way for the user to force "Add to List" manually. Either an add icon or a double click on the combobox. Then I standardize the process throughout the db.
Yes, you're right, I simply forgot that opening a form in dialog mode stops code execution (I created sort of a custom function for dealing with NotInList events years ago and actually never re-edited it since).

Thank you very much for all your time!

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