first of all...


New member
Local time
Today, 05:21
Mar 11, 2019
...thanks for taking me on board!
I've been peeking this forum since a while and I feel this is an extremely helpful space. To help our parish community I've been dusting off my Access knowledge (very limited in reality) since about a year. My learning strategy is very simple: the hard way and only when needed! :)
Parish? Church-related?

We are always glad to have new members, but if some of us seem to be an ungodly mess, just chalk it up to a devil of product that causes many of its users what often seems to be true torment. However, it usually isn't eternal in nature so maybe it won't test your faith TOO much.
Parish? Church-related?

I note that over the years there have been many people come here to create something for their church. I'm sure some could get their heads together and come up with a joint venture making a far better product, and with less effort!
...product that causes many of its users what often seems to be true torment...

the good side, opposite to the events of eternity, is that we may give up whenever we like; the bad side is that we never stop to put ourselves in trouble! :)

@Uncle Gizmo:
I do share your wish; who knows, I'm only 72 so before getting old I may be able offer a piece of software to other church' volunteers! ;)

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