Flow - Email Moving problem


Local time
Today, 13:31
Jul 26, 2013
Hi All, I suspect only @Isaac may know about this, but looking for clues.
I can't get a cloud Flow process to move an email in a shared general email box.

  1. The process is triggered on new email receipt. (O365 account the
  2. It then checks it not internal.
  3. If not it calls a stored procedure to look up the SentFrom email address and return the technicians inbox folder to the flow.
  4. It uses this folder to move the email to the correct technician's folder automatically.
Steps 1-3 all work step 4 fails with a error message of
"ErrorItemNotFound","originalMessage":"The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties."},"source":"office365-we.azconn-we-01.p.azurewebsites.net"}}
The sp is retrieving the correct email sub folder and I'm applying like this;

This does produce the correct path to the subfolder.
I have checked permissions on the mailbox, etc and everything looks fine. In the error log it displays
as the folder which is correct.

I have recreated the flow from scratch and left it for 24 hours as suggested by some posts I have fouund. Totally stumped!
Just quit the job I had where Flows were starting to be used, and can't replicate the problem on my home computers.
Now I'm doing the most intense SQL Server (on prem) querying I've ever done - and only that, I'm afraid, with the possibility of some SSIS thrown in later, but probably not much.

Is there any chance the "not equal to null" could possibly be failing, based on your result?
I had a HELL of a time getting a simple expression like not null or null to work - let me see if I can find some of my shamefully ignorant Power Apps forum posts (solved) to help, and post back. maybe tonight. But specifically not equal or equal to null caused me a lot of problems - the solution was insane if i remember correctly.
Bizarrely that appears to be no problem, it gets past that condition with no problem.
It just the email moving bit.

I'm tried hard coring a switch statement as a test last night and it failed with a permissions error, but I was modifying an old flow, and that doesn't seem to work very well.
I'll rewrite it from scratch on Monday. I'm off to that there London to celebrate the wife's birthday, so work is on the not thinking about it list :cool:
Bizarrely that appears to be no problem, it gets past that condition with no problem.
It just the email moving bit.

I'm tried hard coring a switch statement as a test last night and it failed with a permissions error, but I was modifying an old flow, and that doesn't seem to work very well.
I'll rewrite it from scratch on Monday. I'm off to that there London to celebrate the wife's birthday, so work is on the not thinking about it list :cool:

Sure hope you get it solved! I'm glad I saw this thread & subscribed to glean some knowledge from your inevitable posted solution (y)
Not an AWF nearly as much any more, relatively, and hence miss most notifications and mentions and such.

Best of luck, enjoy London and have a wonderful weekend!
I know this is a pretty old post, but as I'm having some related but different challenges I thought I would revisit it.

So the solution to the problem above is that you need to use the Outlook folder ID which is not easily obtained if you aren't the Admin for the exchange server, which I'm not. I have ended up getting the ID from the IT dept during user set-up, and then storing it against the User record and routing things that way. Not ideal, or very automated, but it does work.

There is a bit more info here about where you can see the folder ID, but I never found a way of obtaining it dynamically.
Solved: Re: Dynamically Choosing an Email Subfolder Proble... - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)

I now have a similar challenge, but I can't use the workaround above, as these aren't users but clients and I need to move emails to a specific Sharepoint Client folder for archiving purposes.
I can create the folder if it doesn't exist.
What I can't seem to do is actually get the entire message saved as a .msg or .eml file.

I've read a load of posts about using Graph API, but I can't seem to register for that, and I've tried using HTTP Request but can't make that work either despite a mountain of googling - the syntax for the GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl part seems like smoke and mirrors to me, having tried a dozen variations found on the web.

Has anyone other than me done any further work with Power Apps?
Just in case anyone else needs to do this in the future, the solution was to use an additional step to export the email from the Outlook connector.
Simply grabbing the body from the initial trigger (which seems to have everything else available) doesn't get the email contents.
Very unintuitive.

I'll happily go into more detail should anyone ever need it.

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