Focus Shifting when Using SMTP protocol to send e-mail


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Today, 00:59
Jul 30, 2014
I have a program that generates e-mails automatically using the SMTP protocol. My problem is that if I am working on the same machine, the e-mails being generating gain focus, so what I am typing goes into the automatically generated e-mails.

Is there anyway to prevent the focus from shifting to the generated e-mail?

Unfortunately, I can't use the POP protocol, because Access requires manual approval for e-mails sent by POP and the ClickYes program is being blocked by our current security protocols.
POP is for receiving mail.
SMTP is for sending.

Are you displaying the actual emails.? In outlook, you can just send, so you never get to see them, they just appear in your Outbox.
If you want to silently send mail using SMTP, look up CDO.

This article is for O365 but the same ideas worked for me using Access 2010.

Here's an article for Excel, but it uses VBA and will work just fine.


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