Formatting Currency in a non-numeric Text field


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Today, 14:19
Nov 2, 2017
Normally, a person would use a numeric field in a table formatted as currency to enter pound, dollar, or euro amounts. But I want to use a text field, since the field will be used to contain separaters, such as dashes, in certain records. It also needs to be stored directly in the table (not a query) so that I can use alignment with listboxes (that's another topic some of you might not know about). I don't want to use ActiveX Listview yet since I'd have to rewrite a bunch of code for that.

So the question is, how do I format entered numbers into currency form, for example if I enter "245,3" (in Europe) it will convert and save it as "245,30 €" (in this case the comma is the decimal symbol), but do it using a textbox control linked to a field in a table of type Short Text, (which means it will need to be a manual converted into the text string)? I am well aware that the "easy" way to do this is to make the table field of type Currency.

I will also need to perform a check that the text entered is indeed a valid number -- although an easy way I've found to check for this is simply to check whether the text entered in the textbox control is > 0 (assuming I don't want negatives); it will give a different built in error for both negative numbers and non-numeric entries without interrupting the program.
To format as currency, try

Format(Me.yourfieldname.Value, "$##,##0.0")

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