Frequently update from xls/cdv/sdv to a table


New member
Local time
Today, 03:38
Aug 11, 2004

I’m creating a price database for stocks etc. and have some questions connected to it:

1. I’m receiving several new input files every day (mostly xls, sdv &cdv). Is it possible do import the daily price files directly to my existing table, or do I need to create a temp table every time I’m receiving new input file, and using Recordsets to transfer the data to the original tables?

2. What’s the best way to organize the tables, when I have about 300 stocks I’m registering prices on, and I have between 500-5000 registered prices on each stock?

a) One table for each stock will lead to several hundred tables and should not be possible
b) One table with the following fields, will lead to more than 300,000 records:

c) One table with the following fields will lead to 5000 records and 300 fields

Hope someone of you can help me
Everything hinges on the integrity of the data you recieve. Will you get you the data in the exact same format every time?

The format is the same every time.

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