Generating a field in a Report


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Today, 14:33
May 28, 2014

I apologize in advance for being somewhat vague about the contents of the database - security requirements where I am dictate it!

I have a database with a bunch of related tables. One holds information on (let's say) types of food. A field in that table tells whether the food is HOT or COLD. Foods are grouped by MEALS in a related table - the PK of the foods table is stored as an field in the MEALS table. What people here are looking for is a report that lists all the foods in each MEAL, the temperature of the food, and whether the meal is HOT, COLD, or MIXED - foods are both HOT and COLD. I've got a report that lists all the FOODs, grouped by MEALs - it's just the overall temperature of the MEAL that I am missing right now.

Any idea if this can be done in Access, and if it can how to do it?

Not specifically the average, but one of three options -

--> if all the FOODs are HOT, then HOT;
--> if all the FOODs are COLD, then COLD;
--> if there are both HOT and COLD FOODs, then MIXED

Temperature is a text field.
Hope this helps!
I suppose "temperature" is a bit misleading ;)

Your first step would be to create a count of just the Cold foods. Call this textbox txtColdCount:
=Count(IIF([Temperature]="Cold", 1, Null))
Get this working and we'll move to the next step.
OK, I have the COUNT working in the report section footer (not the overall report footer - that shows the total number of COLD foods, not just the ones in each MEAL!).
I don't understand what you wrote in brackets. Can you please rephrase.

Are you talking about the Meal's Group Footer section?

To get the overall "temperature" you need to create another textbox and put this in the Control Source:
=Switch(txtColdCount=0, "Hot", txtColdCount=Count("*"), "Cold", txtColdCount<>0, "Mixed")

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