getObject() and shell() question using automation (1 Viewer)




Similar to the other post...I am trying to open a form in another db (this time secured with MDW file) from the current db. I managed to do this for an unsecured db. The code is similar, the only difference is using
the shell command (to send the user, pwd and workgroup info) recommended on
the micorsoft website.

I find that the getObject() method does not want to work in Access (I
understand that the new window must lose focus for the application object to
be registered)...still...I replaced this line with Set accObj=New access.
application. This way the access window opens however I run into an error
trying to open the form.

The error is 2486 - You cannot carry out this action at the present time.
Here is the code...

Public Function openSecuredDBwAutomation()
Dim accObj As Access.application, Msg As String
Dim application As String, dbs As String, workgroup As String
Dim User As String, password As String

Dim strPathToFile As String, strDefaultUser As String 'these
will be input params eventually
Dim strDefaultPwd As String, strPathToDatabase As String '...input
params later

'this will be removed once these will become input params
strPathToFile = ....'the mdw file
strDefaultUser = .....'the user-- should have Admin priviliges to get
access to forms/report
strDefaultPwd = .....'pwd
strPathToDatabase = ....'location of the secured db

' assign to local params
application = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
dbs = strPathToDatabase ' path and name of a secured MDB
workgroup = strPathToFile ' the location of the mdw file
User = strDefaultUser ' username
password = strDefaultPwd ' password

'open applciation with workgoup, user info and pwd
x = Shell(application & " " & Chr(34) & dbs & Chr(34) & " /nostartup
/user " & User & _
" /pwd " & password & " /wrkgrp " & Chr(34) & workgroup & Chr(34),

'Set accObj = getObject("", "Access.Application") 'this line does
not work
Set accObj = New Access.application 'had to resort
to this instead

accObj.DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", acDesign 'open
MsgBox accObj.Forms("Form1").RecordSource 'return
record source

accObj.CloseCurrentDatabase 'close db
Set accObj = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function

The purpose of this function is to return the recordsource of the selected
object (form or report) as a string. The inputs are listed above. For
simplicity I made them all local for now. The messagebox line will be
assigning the recordsource to the function in the end to return the SQL as

I am not sure why Access breaks down here, the only thing I can think is that
maybe the original database opening the secured one is by default belongs to
the default security group, so even though the secured database is open, but
its objects are not available to view or manipulate. The other issue maybe
that most secured DBs hide their database windows, and it may need to be
unhidden before accessing any objects. I tried this but this time Access
broke down on this line instead. The error msg here is:

2046 - The command or action 'WindowUnhide' isn't available now.

many thanks.

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