GetObject Function Straight from the Access Example


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:51
May 2, 2000
I have used GetObject Function Straight from the Example in help. (use the Help Find -> getobject function example click this topic)

EXCEPT near the end where it says that if you want to manipulate the file you can do this now.

I want to leave it up to the user as to what file manipulations he/she wants to do. In other words, I have not exited the excel worksheet.

It would be appear to me that the Excel object is automatically closed off because when excel object is made global, then the excel ss stays open, and when it is made local then it exits excel.

My question is really in two parts:

1) How can close it off when I return to Access (after closing off Excel)? Is it done during the process and would you have to put a macro to close off excel and return to access ?

2) It seems work but only on the third try !! On the 2 times before, excel disppears from the and then on the third time (and there after) it opens the correct excel file! I can't really explain this...

Please somebody help ... I've lost all my hair !!


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