Hello all!


New member
Local time
Today, 15:04
Sep 29, 2011
New to the forum and some versions of Access, but was programming it in the mid 90's.... :o
Just goes to show my age, not my knowledge or intelligence! :rolleyes:
I've not used the newer versions of Access much but now I'm in the midst of migrating a 97 version db to 2007.. Let's just say it's been very interesting! lol
As of today, I DO have a (mostly) working version in 2007 and it IS live! :p I said mostly because there are a few things in it that either don't work or don't work correctly. Not very many, all things considered, but there are a few that do have me stumped.
So, you will be seeing more of me! I'll either be lurking in the background or actively posting. Either way, Hello All and Happy Accessing! :)
Welcome to the forum buddy!

See you around...:)

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