Hello Everyone


New member
Local time
Today, 16:21
Nov 30, 2011
I have been doing some programming in Acess 2003 and those leading up to 2003 for about 5 years now. I am not the best, but with the help of everyone in places like this, I have built a pretty good inventory system. So, please everyone, keep posting and I will keep reading and learning. I will post some questions from time to time, but I do not feel strong enough with my skill level to offer much assistance, I will if it is in my wheel house though. Have a Great day! :)
Hello Kenny welcome to the forum, I can recall when I first started answering questions it was extremely difficult to learn how to do this affectivly. I'm still not 100% sure I've got it right now! I do tend to get the wrong end of the stick to an embarrassing degree, and often find myself rapidly backpedalling!

I would encourage you to answer a few questions if you feel this is a way you may like to go in the future as you will find the experience most beneficial.

I think I would be right in saying that answering questions for other people actually helps me answer my own questions if you get what I mean, when you start looking in someone else's question for the nub of the problem, you find yourself doing it everywhere else! Anyway I waffling on again as usual, good luck with it. Cheers Tony

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