Hello from Canada


New member
Local time
Today, 16:40
Sep 24, 2013
Hi there.

Here I am developing databases in Access after about a 12-year break. During that 12-year period I mostly focussed on supporting PPMs and project mgmt tools. Previously I have developed in Access, FileMakerPro, and good old dBASE, multiple versions! Yes, I'm sort of medium ancient. I'm having some fun building things again, I must say. I am enjoying some of the vast improvements in the software. I am also having a hard time finding some really simple things because some terminology dropped out of my brain during my absence, so I am not sure what we call some things I search for, and also because the engine that is Access is so much bigger than it used to be, or so it seems. Using Access 2010, btw. I find myself Googling a lot, and landing here a lot. Thank you already for the help you've provided! Time I joined in, and not just because I have an incredibly simple question today.

I'm in Toronto, btw. The sun is shining & beautiful today. We're starting our Autumn this week. Come visit if you've never seen the trees turn colour! I love to travel.

Hmm. What else? Well, I might add that I first learned the power of connecting with strangers on the Internet when I used a nicotine cessation forum to quit smoking 10 years ago. Not only did I finally quit using their educational tools and support, but I made a bunch of permanent friends from around the globe who also quit around the same time. I've met several of them live in the years since. I won't mention it again because when I was an active smoker there was nothing I hated more than people telling me to quit. However, last mention, if anyone reading would like to quit smoking, message me. I will send you to where I got the information I needed to make my final quit last and find ease and freedom without wanting the dang things ever again.

And that seems more than enough for now.


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