Hello from Eugene


New member
Local time
Today, 23:13
Jan 6, 2025
Hi, all! I'm Eugene and I'm from Eastern Europe. Joined just today. English is not my native, but I understand almost everything. I work in Access mainly for my own pleasure, as it is an exciting process. Unfortunately, I lack knowledge and experience, and that's the reason why I'm here. It's probably funny, but I have to use the old Access 2003 for development for project compatibility. I would be very grateful to anyone who agrees to help me with those issues that are difficult for me, but not for you. Thanks, Eugene.
Welcome aboard AWF, Eugene! The links in my signature may be useful to you.
Hello, Eugene, and welcome to the forums.

It is a matter of necessity, I'm sure, but why are you forced to use Ac2003? By any chance, is it because you are stuck with Workgroup Security?
It is a matter of necessity, I'm sure, but why are you forced to use Ac2003? By any chance, is it because you are stuck with Workgroup Security?
Well, it's a bit of a sad story. I work as a system administrator in a small organization, but I am not a programmer. We use several Access 2003 applications. All of these applications work with the same SQL database via ODBC. They were developed by a completely different programmer. But he makes his programs very carelessly, so it pisses me off, because unfortunately I'm a perfectionist. I improve these programs for free just so they don't piss me off. :confused:
In general, I can't upgrade the project to a higher version of Access without his consent, but he doesn't mind if I improve his program as part of the 2003 version.
Hi, Welcome. Access 2003 has long been out of maintenance. It is only a matter of time before the apps won't work under newer versions of Windows. You might want to point this out to the company that is using the apps because when they break, it will be unexpected and probably catastrophic. So, if the apps are mission critical, they need to be converted to at least A2016.

The laws in your country may be different but in the US we have the concept of work-for-hire. So, the company that pays to develop the product owns it, NOT the developer who created it. The developer would need a contract that specifically gives him ownership of the app for him to retain permanent control of it.
Eugene is from eastern Europe. His IP says Belarus. They might not be able to get more modern versions of Office due to import restrictions. Didn't think about that right away, but it IS an issue.
Eugene is from eastern Europe. His IP says Belarus. They might not be able to get more modern versions of Office due to import restrictions. Didn't think about that right away, but it IS an issue.
Yes, such is a problem with import restrictions, but it is actually not that acute.
Even in Access 2003, the application has been fully solving our problems for many years.
But I don't like the style of application development. This is not an Access 2003 problem, it is a problem of the negligence of a developer who does too little testing of his development.
Users often cause unexpected errors in their work, which the developer did not think about at all. And I'm fixing these bugs. And I also figure out what stupid things users might accidentally do to prevent them from doing it in advance.
And I also figure out what stupid things users might accidentally do to prevent them from doing it in advance.
Things to do.
1. Go through all tables and if referential integrity is needed ensure you create a relationship and enforce RI. To include cascade deletes and cascade updates where appropriate.
2. Go through all tables and if data is required enforce that in the table.
3. If there is a default value then enforce them but at the same time remove any that you did not want. Access defaults number fields to 0 with is problematic if that field is a foreign key.
4. Apply indexes (especially composite indexes) to ensure no duplicates of composite fields
At the table level is where you want to enforce data integrity. You can then add to it at the form level with nice messages and prompts.

5. Verify data in the forms BEFORE UPDATE. This is the required place to enforce data entry, and data value. Other events can be added but almost all forms should enforce data validation in the Form's Before Update.
6. If a form is for viewing only then ensure allow edits, deletions, additions is set to no.

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