Hello! from Miami, USA


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:22
Dec 28, 2019
Hello all,

Where do I start...Moved to the US when I was 17 years old, I graduated high school in Chile with a technical degree in programming. For different reasons I wasn't able to continue growing my programming career in the US. Fast forward 18 years, and now I find myself back where I left off school, but now with a project I took upon myself to do. I started my own business, where I need a inventory control system to track, sales, purchases and inventory movement. I figured this is great opportunity to pick where I left off. I chose Access for convenience and familiarity with last programming classes I had back in high school. So here I am, looking for answers in internet led me here, I hope you can help me, and I hope I can help you too in the no so distant future. I have beginner experience with access, but feeling more comfortable a day at a time.

Looking forward to participate and contribute.

Best regards,

Hi Ricardo. Welcome to AWF!
Hi Rick, loved your TV show still watch it occasionally in reruns. Welcome aboard!
Ciao Ricardo, welcome to AWF. Very good introduction too...!
Welcome to AWF, Ricardo.
Hey, Ricardo, glad you dropped in. Welcome

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