Hello from Sweden


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:29
Oct 25, 2015
My name is Mike and I live in Sweden

As far as forums like this are concerned I have no experience whatsoever and it really is not my world. So right now I wouldn't even know where to look when I am being addressed. But I suppose I'll learn.

As far as IT is concerned I started 1972 in Germany with an IBM 360-20 ( 48 kb memory ) as a programmer using Assembler and Cobol. The hardware then existed of discs, tapes,
punch cards, sorters, mixers, a console etc. That was the beginning of the beginning.
( By the way: SAP was recruiting people at that time who were able to do 'physical programming with assembler )
At the same time I studied economics.

In 1976 I quit being an employee and started as free-lance consultant.
Ever since then I learned all kinds of computer languages, types of data bases etc.etc

My main objective was to work for and with people to help them get their job done as best possible, making them as efficient as I could make it possible.

What I more and more specialized in was the administrative side of the supply-chain ( logistics ). I was never really interested in the technical side of IT, but I learned how to use it.
Before designing databases and programming I always had to analyze the situation and try to make changes to the work-flow.

When I quit as consultant the last tools I used to do my job with where mainly PowerBuilder, SQL and Oracle Databases.

As to my skills concerning Access: I started learning Access 2013 because I wanted to help my daughter and son-in-law to take care of the administrative part of their business.

Access of course doesn't offer as many possibities as PowerBuilder and Oracle but it certainly is sufficient for small businesses.

What I am trying to do is to create software which offer the same possibilities I was able to offer with the more sophisticatted tools. However sometimes I am limited ( I know what I want, but am not able to do it on account of lack of knowledge ).

That's why I joined this forum hoping to get support. And maybe even I can help others with what I already know.

My homepage is: kontorsverkyget.com

It's not quite up-to-date right now but I can't do everything at the same time.
I know it's in Swedish, but that's what people speak around here.

That should be enough for starters.

Have a good time

Hi Mike, welcome to AWF.

Thank you for the comprehensive Introduction.

Cheers TØny ...

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