help desperately needed!!


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:51
Mar 23, 2010
hi,i am creating a database for a driving school.

i have an update records page which is set out like this..

Pupil id
Address 1
Address 2
Date of birth
Driving history

I have the data to this stored in a table but i want it so that when i enter the pupil name, the rest of their details like address, postcode and date of birth etc automatically come up for that pupil once their name as been entered.

how do i get this to work??

Also... i have an invoice page as follows...

Invoice id
Number of lessons
Type of lessons
Total cost

I want it so that for the name field, instead of having two separate fields, forename and surname, i want it so that both the surname and forename appear in the name field together. how do i do it a calculation??

Help will be very very very much appreciated :)
Of you use a combo box to get the pupil you can use more than one column but hide the columns using the column widths property, to hide the fileds you don't want/need the user to see.

Then after the user has picked a pupil you can tell it that the surname field is comboBox.Column(x)

However alot depends if you are using a bound or unbound form.

To join two fields together use

FullName = Forename & " " & Surname
using an unbound text box

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