Help with Group Borders Please


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:13
Jan 4, 2008

This sounds really simple, and I'm sure I'm missing something. I can't find anything online about what I'm trying to do, maybe I'm not wording my searches very well.

I've got a simple report with a detail section and two levels of grouping. In the top group I have column headings, with 'Repeat Section' set to 'Yes', so that even when the group continues on to a second page, the headings appear on every page. I've been asked to apply a thick black line at the end of each group, and at the end of each page where the group continues onto a second. So, if there is room for multiple groups to be fully displayed on one page, each group with have a thick black line under the last row, and where groups are split across multiple pages, there will be a thick black line under the last row of each page, as well as after the last row of the group.

So I think I am looking for the line to appear in the page footer where the group is split across a page. I also want a thick black line to appear in the group footer, and not in the page footer, where the group is not split. There isn't a 'Repeat Section' setting for the group footer, which is a shame as essentially I am trying to replicate what the group header is doing.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

So basically you want a line at the end of each page? Plus a line at the end of each group?

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