Help with Library Database


New member
Local time
Today, 05:54
Nov 12, 2002
Hello. This is my first post. I have been looking at the posts and getting a lot of great advice, so first off Thanks. Now on to my questions.

Over the past year I have been creating a library database in Access XP. It's working great. The database is to be used by everyone in our office to access information about what books we have available to them. I do not want anyone changing information in the database, except me or another person I train. Is there a way that I can give only switchboard access to the office and maintain total control of the database myself? I was thinking about maybe making this web based, how would I go about that?

My next question is on the switchboard I have added some list boxes, that are linked to a query.

Example is

Search by Code (search icon)

unbound list box (which has all the codes listed)

I wanted to know if there was a way to create a link in the list box where people can just click on the code and it will direct them to the query?

Thanks for your help.

If you are interested in seeing what I am talking about, here is my database attached.
You wrote
I do not want anyone changing information in the database, except me or another person I train. Is there a way that I can give only switchboard access to the office and maintain total control of the database myself?

I was thinking about maybe making this web based, how would I go about that?

Make 2 copies of the "front end". One copy is for the office; they can see but not change. In the office copy, set the form properties for "Allow Edits, Deletions, Additions" to No.

The second copy of the front end is for you and your person. It is just the same as the office copy, but the "Allow Edits, etc" are Yes.

The web-based part is a different topic. You just need to spend a few weeks/months/years learning how to build web apps.

Thank you so much. I have been racking my brains trying to figure this one out. I am learning how to build websites but not web applications. I wouldn't think it would be too hard, since I have gotten this far with Access without much training. I in the process of designing 2 website with Java that I had no help with except with transparent gifs.

Right now I am trying to figure out how to design a search engine, since that is another route that we might go. Part of the reason we need on the website is because we need to have it accessible to our employees around the world. I will keep hunting on the web-based one, but for now I will totally use the 2 copies of the "front end".

Thank you so much for your help.

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