Hi Everyone, Darshan Hiranandani Joining In – Excited to Be Part of This Community

Local time
Tomorrow, 02:42
Sep 13, 2024
I’m thrilled to bring my expertise to this platform. Beyond my professional focus, I have a deep passion for technology and gaming. I’m fascinated by how these areas intersect and influence each other, and I’m eager to explore and discuss these intersections with all of you.

Technology's rapid advancements never cease to amaze me, and I truly believe in its potential to drive positive change and improve lives. I’m committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations and am enthusiastic about collaborating with others to harness these advancements for societal benefit.

I’m looking forward to engaging in meaningful conversations, exchanging ideas, and contributing to the collective knowledge of this community. Let’s work together to leverage our combined expertise and enthusiasm to create a brighter future.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m eager to dive into this journey and connect with you all.

Best Regards,
Darshan Hiranandani
Welcome to Access World! We're so happy to have you join us as a member of our community. As the most active Microsoft Access discussion forum on the internet, with posts dating back more than 20 years, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you.

We're a friendly and helpful community, so don't hesitate to ask any questions you have or share your own experiences with Access. We're here to support you and help you get the most out of this powerful database program.

To get started, we recommend reading the post linked below. It contains important information for all new users of the forum:


We hope you have a great time participating in the discussion and learning from other Access enthusiasts. We look forward to having you around!
Hello and welcome, Darshan.
OK, now comes the harder question. This is directed to @darshanhiranandani24

Darshan Hiranandani - a member named darshanhiranandani23 joined the forum a couple of months ago - June 25, 2024 to be exact - and now we see you join us as darshanhiranandani24. Your style of writing is the same as was used in the previous account. I don't believe in coincidences.

As a moderator, one of my duties here is to check for odd behavior, and you just tripped my odd-o-meter. What is the story behind this 2nd apparently eponymous account? As far as I could tell, the previous account was not blocked. The only restriction on it was that new accounts lack the ability to post links until they have posted often enough to reach a particular milestone, which the old account had not reached. That old account was used for technical questions a couple of times and then went silent. I'm going to presume that the name similarity and numbering continuity are not accidental. Why did you abandon your old account?

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