Hi From Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada


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Local time
Today, 02:29
Oct 2, 2024
Obviously new to this forum. My name is Darin Connors. Not new to MS Access but by no means anything beyond a beginner. I have played with databases since windows 3.11 and Database III (if I remember correctly). Self taught with both good and bad habits! My MO is usually inheriting a database from a departing staff and asked to keep it alive or make it do something it was never originally designed to do..

I have done it again an inherited a database designed around 2005 or earlier in Access. Until we transition away from Access into a proper database solution I have been asked to keep the defibrillator and epinephrine on the ready. This one I know I will need some outside support for.

Looking forward to getting some support and giving it where I can..
Welcome to Access World! We're so happy to have you join us as a member of our community. As the most active Microsoft Access discussion forum on the internet, with posts dating back more than 20 years, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you.

We're a friendly and helpful community, so don't hesitate to ask any questions you have or share your own experiences with Access. We're here to support you and help you get the most out of this powerful database program.

To get started, we recommend reading the post linked below. It contains important information for all new users of the forum:


We hope you have a great time participating in the discussion and learning from other Access enthusiasts. We look forward to having you around!
Hi. Welcome to AWF!
Until we transition away from Access into a proper database solution
Access is a proper database solution if you know what you're doing. FYI, MS Access is a RAD tool that is used to create desktop applications. It is not a database engine. The database engines that Access is closely tied to are Jet (.mdb) and ACE (.accdb). They are used to hold the application's objects and also, sometimes, its data. If your data requires more security or is to large for Jet and ACE to handle, then your Access application can still live but the data can be transferred to SQL Server. Once you separate the data from Jet/ACE, most of the "bad" things said about "Access" become irrelevant since they actually referred to Jet and ACE rather than the Access RAD tool;)

It is never easy trying to maintain and enhance a poorly designed application but please don't blame the tool. Blame the developer.

When you are asked to enhance the app to expand its functionality, try to not make patches on patches. Rethink the process and modify the schema so you have a clear path to the future. This is generally less stressful and often easier in the long run. But, don't try to make the app over in your own image just because you don't like the developer's "style". There is a fine line when doing maintenance that you need to recognize so that you don't waste time changing (and retesting) something that isn't broken, especially if you intend to convert it to something "better";)
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I have done it again an inherited a database designed around 2005 or earlier in Access.

First, Darin, welcome to the forum.

Second, ... been there, done that, bought & wore out that T-shirt. From about 1994 until I retired in 2016, I became an in-house expert on Access by inheriting a database that had more than a touch of out-house to it.

The good thing about a task like this is that it enhances job security if you succeed. The bad thing about a task like this is you get branded as an Access trouble-shooter until the end of your career or until Access everywhere collapses into a steaming pile of slag, whichever comes first. A thing both good AND bad is that you get to learn by observation of things that should not be done in Access, and you have the tenuous satisfaction of knowing that at least YOU didn't do it that way.

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