Hi, I'm David from Malta


New member
Local time
Today, 17:08
Jan 4, 2025
I am building a database of a football club with matched#s played and players. I want to creat a form with every football match with line-ups and scorers. I am creating a form but when I put in the player's nameit does not show up when I open again the form. Do do not know what is wrong. I can I get any help?
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I am building a database of a football club with matched#s played and players. I want to creat a form with every football match with line-ups and scorers. I am creating a form but when I put in the player's nameit does not show up when I open again the form. Do do not know what is wrong. I can I get any help?
But what tables do you have? Tell us about your tables.
Thank you for your reply. I have tables such as Clubs, Competitions, Games, Managers, Opposition Managers, Opposition players, Opposition Teams, Players, Referees, Seasons, Stadiums, and Transfer Table.
It could be i#I am doing something wrong in the Relationships.
Thank you for your reply. I have tables such as Clubs, Competitions, Games, Managers, Opposition Managers, Opposition players, Opposition Teams, Players, Referees, Seasons, Stadiums, and Transfer Table.
It could be i#I am doing something wrong in the Relationships.
Indeed. So show us a picture of your relationships window or post a copy of the db.
I am attaching an image of the Relationship Table and the db.


  • Relationship.JPG
    148.6 KB · Views: 12
  • Liverpool FC1.accdb
    Liverpool FC1.accdb
    4.9 MB · Views: 12
The Form is called Players1. When I choose the player name from the dropdown list, it does now t show up again when I re-open the form.
The combo boxes from which you choose players' names need to be bound to a Recordsource so that the selection is saved somewhere.
I've noticed a few of other things that you should perhaps look at;
Some of your tables have no PK
You have Lookups in tables.
You have repeating data in tables e.g. Name, Full Name, Surname
Reserved words should not be used to name any object in Access e.g. Name should perhaps be FirstName
Using spaces in the name of objects is not advised e.g. Full Name should perhaps be FullName although this field should not even be in the table as it repeats the data in other fields.
You don't have a table Countries.
I haven't studied your relationships but I suspect that they need looking at also.
As a side note, this post changed from "introductory" to "specific problem" - which by our CUSTOM (it's not a rule, David, so no chastisement required) needs to be in one of the specific tech forums. I am going to move this to "General" for you.
OK, now that the thread has been moved, your problem is simple once you understand what Access does - and doesn't - do.

You have a form with controls on it. You want the form to be populated with data when that form comes up. There are two general ways to do that. One is to point the form to an object that contains the data you want displayed and BIND the form to it. Then the controls can be individually bound to the data elements you want. The other method is to have the form remain UNBOUND and use code to make it display things based on VBA code behind the form. Of the two, the BOUND FORM style is about a gazillion times easier.

Forms are bound to .RecordSource objects, which usually are a table or a query. The controls on the form are bound to .ControlSource objects, which are usually fields in the .RecordSource object. If you have some player not showing up, your problem will be whether the player is in the record source, in the specific record to which the form is currently bound. If not, you will need to either have code to do some lookups (usually very tedious) or you will need some kind of linked sub-form that can do a detail lookup related to the main form's current record.

Your question didn't tell us a lot about your familiarity with Access, so until we know a bit more about your level of expertise, it will be hard for us to give you specific help. However, from your responses, I infer that you are relatively new to Access. We don't hold that against you because each of us was once new to Access.
Absolutely! I must admit, that I lack familiarity with Access. I just had a basic course in Access. I am trying to rebuild the database.
Absolutely! I must admit, that I lack familiarity with Access. I just had a basic course in Access. I am trying to rebuild the database.
Hi David
If you think about your process, you are trying to record information about All Games played in a specific Season.

So to get you started if you look at the relationships in the revised Relationship Diagram you will see that I have removed all of your current relationships.

I then added a field named "SeasonID" to your Seasons table and made this a Primark Key Autonumber.
I then added a field named "SeasonID" to your Games table and made this a Number LongInteger DataType,
I then updated the SeasonID in the Games table.
I then linked Seasons to Games using the SeasonID and Enforced Referential Integrity.
I then created a Main Form based on the Seasons table with a Subform based on the Games table.
See the updated database attached.


Good morning, That is beautiful, thank you for your help. So I will try to make a form with a sub-form for each match with the squad players.

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