How can I replace the access icon in the taskbar?


New member
Local time
Today, 08:25
Oct 10, 2013
Hello everybody,

I am looking for a solution how I can replace the MS Access icon in the windows 7 taskbar at the bottom of my screen with my customized one. I already added under the access options the form and report icon and was hoping that this may solve the issue. But my own icon just pops up on the title bar of the main access screen, forms and the reports. Would be great if anybody can help out here.

Hi David,

I already have set the database property AppIcon but as mentioned, it does not change the Access icon in the Win7 taskbar. I also tried to create a shortcut as suggested by somebody else ....

"You have to create a shortcut with a command line in the target that call msaccess.exe or directly your .mde as you want. Then put your custom icon to this shortcut."

but it won't work in my case for whatever reason.

Any other suggestions?
Hi David, Contractor,

thanks a lot for the hints which actually provided the right direction for the solution. I eventually solved the problem as following:

1. Create a shortcut on the desktop, right mouse click on the desktop
and select new - shortcut
2. A dialog opens to create a new shortcut
3. The target you have to key in is a combination of the path where the
MSACCESS.EXE is located AND the path where your access database is located

For example:

"C:\Programs\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\Users\MenuEngineering\data\MenuEngineering.accdb"

4. Click OK to create the shortcut
5. Right Click on the shortcut and select properties
6. Click on the register/tab Shortcut
7. Click on the button change icon and select your customized icon
8. Copy and paste the path where your access database is located into
the field Start in:

for example:


9. Click OK and that's it.

Note: If the shortcut is created this way then you will see that the Target Type shows Application instead of Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database and therefore suppress the MS Access icon in the Win7 taskbar once to start7run the application.

I hope that this will also help other members in this Forum :-)

I hope that this will also help other members in this Forum :-)


Thanks Felix. We just updated all the company computers from XP to Win 7 (I know, I know... ) and this problem showed up. Couldn't believe it when I saw your solution.

Thanks for posting it. Works very well on an Access 2003 database as well.
Hi Danick,

no worries. I am glad to here that it helped you too.

You can also drag an MS Access form from an open access database onto your desktop and it will create a shortcut to that form. I believe it works for other access objects as well. Be aware it's not actually a shortcut in the sense you are familiar with, it's a special shortcut specifically for MS Access.

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