How do i add a new statement to this IF argument?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:24
Nov 7, 2011
Here is my code, please ignore the first line of the code( the btnUndocommit)

Private Sub Form_Current()

Me!btnUndoCommit.Enabled = False
If Me.OpenArgs = "Edit" Then Me.Label49.Caption = "something"

End Sub

I want to add in more....statements. For example:

If Me.OpenArgs = "Edit" Then Me.Label49.Caption = "something",Me.Label16.Caption = "sellprice"

but i tried this method and it doesnt work. What is the syntax to add more statements in order to change the captions of other labels?
@xwnoob: You will be reported to the site Administrators if you crosspost or double post again.

What was explained in the site provided by Alan clearly states how you should write an IF..ELSE statement.

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