How do i show record(and its related child records) in a datasheet/table view?


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Today, 10:17
Nov 7, 2011
I have a form called addcommitmentdetail which comprises of three parts; main form,subform,subsubform.

The mainform is just to select a foreign key value from a listbox(which is still stored as a value in the record), while the subform and subsubform are to add records that will be related to the select Foreign Key value.

I have created a edit form so that users can edit the records that they entered in addcommitmentdetails.They will select a record from listbox and then press a button to open form with related records. However, my user wants to display the fields in a table/datasheet view and only wants certain fields from that record to be displayed. I know its something to do with queries but im quite bad(i only know how to do queries for listbox) at that so please help
Sneaking suspicion tells me your going at it the wrong way. I'm not sure I totally understand what your going for, but can you post your db?
Alright. But i havent figured out how do it yet. Its in the add commitment edit section under the button " edit commitment". What i want to do is display some of the facilitysubform and lendersubsubform fields (not all fields) in datasheet view. I tried created a new show record button that runs a macro but it failed


I'm having trouble seeing what you are looking at. What is the name of the form? I see an Edit Commitment button on form CDRRMainSection, is that what you're looking at?
yes sry for the late reply the form that is the edit form is called SelectEditCommitment
sorry but speakers86 do you have any solutions?
I don't understand why you don't just make your subform a datasheet.
Isn't it a matter of making a copy of addcommitmentdetail and removing the fields that you won't like to see? Then changing the default view to Datasheet?
I'm thinking the OP didn't actually make that database.

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