Solved How does New Posts section work?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:11
Feb 19, 2002
I was trying to find a post I made yesterday and couldn't remember its title or the name of the op so I thought I should just be able to scroll down the new posts list looking at each item that had been updated since Sunday morning. But, the post I was looking for wasn't there. I ended up finding it because I had downloaded the sample db the OP posted and the name of the db included enough of the userName for me to find the post by finding her.

What went wrong? @Jon or anyone who knows how this works. Why wasn't the post in the New list?
I would be looking for that post in the recent posts of yourself, or a search.
I do not believe it will appear in New Posts until another post is made?
I have a shortcut to new posts to get here, and if mine is not new, then I use that method. Generally I can get it from the drop down from the Bell icon, if recent.
Why wasn't the post in the New list?
Probably because the "New Posts" section filters by "Unread" by default. Unless someone else posted in that thread it was marked "Read" for you and thus no longer shown in that list.
You can adjust that filter by using the "Filters" dropdown on the right-hand side immediately above the list of new posts.
I would guess that the post in question was in a "recently viewed" cookie list and therefore suppressed. See also Sonic8's suggestion.
Sometimes I accidentally ignore threads while using my phone.
Probably because the "New Posts" section filters by "Unread" by default. Unless someone else posted in that thread it was marked "Read" for you and thus no longer shown in that list.
That is probably the answer.


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