How to combine the two?...


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:58
Oct 12, 2006

Basically, I've got to separate queries. 1st that shows services in a given time frame (defined by user) and 2nd that shows not allocated employees (using "Is Null").

What I need now is how to combine the two queries taking into account the fact that employee might be allocated to a job this week, but available the next week (which the 2nd query does not show).

I want user to define time frame and the query to show employees which are not allocated in this time frame.


Basically, I've got to separate queries. 1st that shows services in a given time frame (defined by user) and 2nd that shows not allocated employees (using "Is Null").

What I need now is how to combine the two queries taking into account the fact that employee might be allocated to a job this week, but available the next week (which the 2nd query does not show).

I want user to define time frame and the query to show employees which are not allocated in this time frame.


Can you show the code for the queries?

Thanks for reply,

The code of query that shows unallocated employees is as follows:

SELECT tblEmployees.EmployeeNo, tblEmployees.Forename, tblEmployees.Surname, tblAllocations.ServiceNo
FROM tblEmployees LEFT JOIN tblAllocations ON tblEmployees.EmployeeNo = tblAllocations.EmployeeNo
WHERE (((tblAllocations.ServiceNo) Is Null));

The code of query that shows the time frame is:

SELECT tblAllocations.EmployeeNo, tblServices.ServiceNo, tblServices.ServiceTitle, tblServices.StartDate, tblServices.EstimatedDuration, [StartDate]+[EstimatedDuration] AS EndTime
FROM tblServices INNER JOIN tblAllocations ON tblServices.ServiceNo = tblAllocations.ServiceNo
WHERE (((tblServices.StartDate)>=[Enter Start Date:]) AND (([StartDate]+[EstimatedDuration])<=[Enter End Date:]));

What's more, I'm not 100% confident that this is the right way to do it, but it's the only idea I have.


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