How to Copy a Row from Table to Table


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Yesterday, 20:21
Jan 19, 2019
I have 2 simple tables with 3 columns and an autonumber primary key/ID column. One table is a TEMPLATE table from which I copy data into another NOTE table to create a new record. During this copy, I rename the template name field to create the new entry name. In MySql, this was very simple SQL:

INSERT INTO notes (name, note, data_size)
SELECT 'newname' AS name, note, data_size FROM templates WHERE id = 99

The new row in the NOTES table is now named newname. This SQL does not work in Access and I can't see a way around it. Anyone have any ideas?
Hi. I don’t see why it won’t work other than maybe you need to enclose name in square brackets because “name” is a reserved word in Access. Are you getting an error?
Hi. I don’t see why it won’t work other than maybe you need to enclose name in square brackets because “name” is a reserved word in Access. Are you getting an error?

It fails even if I use [name]. The error is "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement" (very informative isn't it)
Why do you have single quotes with newname and not the others?
Well, I’m no expert but the syntax looks correct to me. Perhaps we’ll need to see what you’re working with. Can you post a demo db or some screenshots? What is your table structure like?
So I played with this based on theDBguy's feedback on reserved words. It now works if I use[] for all fields (not sure of the logic there, but .....):

INSERT INTO notes ([name], [note], [data_size]) SELECT 'newname' AS [name], [note], [data_size] FROM templates WHERE id = 99

Thanks for all the responses.
So I played with this based on theDBguy's feedback on reserved words. It now works if I use[] for all fields (not sure of the logic there, but .....):

INSERT INTO notes ([name], [note], [data_size]) SELECT 'newname' AS [name], [note], [data_size] FROM templates WHERE id = 99

Thanks for all the responses.
Hi. Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.'re far too modest and an MVP to boot.
Hi Colin. Thanks. I have a tagline I use at UA that I borrowed from Kansas. Maybe I should use it here too.
newname is the new value of the NAME field that I use for the new row.

SQL QBE produces this for me?

SELECT Account AS NewAccount, Description
FROM Transactions;

Just curious now.

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