When the user opens the form for the first time, the combo box is not dropped-down. The problem arises If Item_Type frame is Dead Stock and the user wants to list the Deadstocks in the combo. What to do?
Private Sub Frame86_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub ID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Call DoCmd.OpenForm("Items", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog)
End Sub
On form load does the combo list have any records? - Yes it Does. (Having Both "Consumables" and "Deadstock")
I've no idea what F8 has to do with it. - (While I debug the ID.Dropdown works but after running the ID.Dropdown. The Dropdown rolls back mysteriously).
If choosing an option in an option group is supposed to control the contents of a combo, then have the RowSource query of the combo reference the option group:
Where MyType = Forms!MyForm!MyOptionGroup
Then in the AfterUpdate event of the option group, you can requery the combo.
The Load event is way too early to do this especially since the form allows scrolling. What happens if you move to a different record?