Hello. Lately, I've been busy to make some event to run on "on load" event in my continuous form but it seems the codes work with only the first record in the form as shown in PIC_01. So my question is; How could I make my codes work for all the records. Thank you in advance 
Here is my codes:
Note: What I tried to do is to make the form automatically place a file path in field_loacation in field_location when user move their accdb file along with data folder to anywhere. Just put CurrentProject.Path with lookup for field_path from table_picpath (which I stored my pictures file path) with condition field_picid = field_picidselect.

Here is my codes:
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
Me.field_location = CurrentProject.Path & DLookup("field_path", "table_picpath", "field_picid=" & Me.field_picidselect)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Note: What I tried to do is to make the form automatically place a file path in field_loacation in field_location when user move their accdb file along with data folder to anywhere. Just put CurrentProject.Path with lookup for field_path from table_picpath (which I stored my pictures file path) with condition field_picid = field_picidselect.