How to remove forums from "New Posts" list?


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:45
Jan 22, 2016
Something has changed a week or so ago. I am still logged in with the same one and only account I have for AWF. It used to be that forums such as "The Watercooler" would be suppressed for me. I don't remember how I did that, and now I cannot find such option. The help pages are silent on this point. Is it still possible to remove unwanted forums?
Jon's upgrade late this week of the forum base software, Xenforo, included that he had to go back and individually implement the add-in features one at a time. If that suppression you mentioned is one of the features, you should just wait for a while.
You used an addin called Ignore Content.
As Doc has mentioned, they have to be checked to be compatible with the latest forum version 2.3.
The good news it is, but the upgrade needs to be purchased, which Jon will be doing soon I hope. Then I do not know whether you have to ignore the forums/users again or it will pick up from where it left off. So please just be patient for a little while, it is coming, I promise. :)
Ignoring users still appears to work though.
It all takes time and I have to be careful, else I may mess up something else on the forum. It is not as simple as just purchasing the addon, because I also have to do something called merging templates, which is extremely complicated.

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