I am using Access database and C#.
I have a union of 3 tables for calculating some balance and I need to get the running sum of that balance, but I can't use partition over, because I must do it with the sql query that is gonna work in Access. My problem is that I cannot use join on a alias subquery, it won't work.
How can I use alias in a join to get the running total? Or any other way to get the sum that is not with partition over, because it does not exist in Access. This is my code so far:
I have a union of 3 tables for calculating some balance and I need to get the running sum of that balance, but I can't use partition over, because I must do it with the sql query that is gonna work in Access. My problem is that I cannot use join on a alias subquery, it won't work.
How can I use alias in a join to get the running total? Or any other way to get the sum that is not with partition over, because it does not exist in Access. This is my code so far:
SELECT korisnik_id,imePrezime,datum,Dug,Pot,(Dug-Pot) AS Balance
SELECT korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, r.datum,SUM(IIF(u.jedinstven = 1, r.cena, k.kvadratura * r.cena)) AS Dug,'0' AS Pot
FROM Racun r
INNER JOIN Usluge u on r.usluga_id = u.ID
INNER JOIN Korisnik k on r.korisnik_id = k.ID
WHERE korisnik_id =1 AND r.zgrada_id = 1 and r.mesec = 1 and r.godina = 2017
group by korisnik_id,k.imePrezime,r.datum
SELECT korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, rp.datum, SUM(IIF(u.jedinstven = 1, rp.cena, k.kvadratura * rp.cena)) AS Dug,'0' AS Pot
FROM RacunP rp
INNER JOIN Usluge u on rp.usluga_id = u.ID
INNER JOIN Korisnik k on rp.korisnik_id = k.ID
WHERE korisnik_id =1 AND rp.zgrada_id = 1 and rp.mesec = 1 and rp.godina = 2017
group by korisnik_id,k.imePrezime,rp.datum
SELECT uu.korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, uu.datum,'0' AS Dug, SUM(uu.iznos) AS Pot
FROM UnosUplata uu
INNER JOIN Korisnik k on uu.korisnik_id = k.ID
WHERE korisnik_id =1
group by uu.korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, uu.datum
) AS a
ORDER BY korisnik_id