Solved How to use oldValue after updating the record in subform

VBANewBie :)

Local time
Today, 22:06
Apr 14, 2021
Hello Guys , I came across with this code , It is an audit trial code :

   Public Function WriteAudit(frm As Form, lngID As Long) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo err_WriteAudit
        Dim ctlC As Control
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim bOK As Boolean
        bOK = False
       DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        ' For each control.
        For Each ctlC In frm.Controls
            If TypeOf ctlC Is TextBox Or TypeOf ctlC Is ComboBox Then
                If ctlC.Value <> ctlC.OldValue Or IsNull(ctlC.OldValue) Then
                    If Not IsNull(ctlC.Value) Then
                        strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblAudit ( ID, FieldChanged, FieldChangedFrom, FieldChangedTo, User, DateofHit, FrmName , FrmRcrdSrc  ) " & _
                               " SELECT " & lngID & " , " & _
                               "'" & ctlC.Name & "', " & _
                               "'" & ctlC.OldValue & "', " & _
                               "'" & ctlC.Value & "', " & _
                               "'" & GetUserName_TSB & "', " & _
                               "'" & Now & "' , " & _
                               "'" & M & "', " & _
                               "'" & R & "'"
                        'Debug.Print strSQL
                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next ctlC
        WriteAudit = bOK
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        Exit Function
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume exit_WriteAudit
    End Function

It works fine with single forms but not with subforms , When i tried to run the code On Form AfterUpdate Nothing happens , When i tried to use it on subform fields afterupdate it duplicates all the changed values except the last changed one take a look on the following gif
Recording 2022-02-14 at 10.33.03.gif

As you saw it appended computer change two times but Warehouse change just one time as it supposed .

So,I have two requests please : -
1- Fix the appending process to just append the entire record one time .
2-How to modify the code to work with not only changes made but also with add record and delete record , For Example my table is TblAudit i will add new field called ChangeDesc if i edit value the ChangeDesc field will contain the word "Update" , if i delete a record it will append it before deleting and ChangeDesc contain "Delete" , If i add a record it will append it and the ChangeDesc will contain "Add" .
Sorry for many requests guys , You will find my sample db attached , Thanks i advance
PS: I posted the same post in other forum because it is urgent for me , Thanks.


So are you going to give us a link to the other forum(s) so that we can see if you've received a solution there?
I haven’t here is the link
if you have subform, use the Subform's Event (not the main form) to add the audit trail.
if you have subform, use the Subform's Event (not the main form) to add the audit trail.
Thanks for reply , I Did that not working
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Could you please edit my attachment as demonstration ?

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