Humphrey's demise


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Yesterday, 23:53
Oct 4, 2005
My wife, being the consummate Bunny-Hugger, has decided that she positively detests Tony Blair due to his treatment of Humphrey. In an effort to gain a more rounded understanding of the British POV and since the usual political banter is becoming quite tiring, I was curious as to the British opinion (or anyone interested) on the matter of Humphrey's apparent forced retirement and subsequent passing on to that great litter box in the sky.
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I thought they chucked him out years ago, pity they don't chuck Bliar out too:mad:
Didn't he go to a cat sanctuary down in Kent somewhere to spend his last days? As Rich says, that was ages ago wasn't it?

According to the news here, the eviction was when Blair took office... sent to the home of a civil servant? There was an article in the paper this week about the death of the cat and something about previous demands of the public to prove Humphrey was still alive after Blair evicted him. Not a pressing topic, I'm sure, but to quote my wife paraphrasing Ghandi, "A society can be judged by it's treatment of animals"

Actually, I was curious to see the Colin & Rich impressions of the more mundane parts of British guys can't really be as depressed and angry as you seem ... can you?:eek:
Bodisathva said:
Actually, I was curious to see the Colin & Rich impressions of the more mundane parts of British guys can't really be as depressed and angry as you seem ... can you?:eek:
any part in particular?

Bodisathva said:
Actually, I was curious to see the Colin & Rich impressions of the more mundane parts of British guys can't really be as depressed and angry as you seem ... can you?:eek:
any part in particular? Rich and I are full of the joys of spring:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
any part in particular? Rich and I are full of the joys of spring:rolleyes:

You and Rich are full of it all right.
ColinEssex said:
Didn't he go to a cat sanctuary down in Kent somewhere to spend his last days? As Rich says, that was ages ago wasn't it?

They've got a new one now called George B so they can watch it lick its own ass, saves Tony doing it after all:rolleyes:
Rich said:
They've got a new one now called George B so they can watch it lick its own ass, saves Tony doing it after all:rolleyes:
I heard it can talk out its ass too:eek:

ColinEssex said:
I heard it can talk out its ass too:eek:



I heard Humphrey had been on a goodwill tour of Texas and got his ass shot off.
Geez...y'all are just veritable little rays of sunshine, aren't cha?:eek:

This is what I get for being anything less than my normal misanthropic self.

Never mind...

...and they say I have an attitude problem:cool:
Bodisathva said:
...and they say I have an attitude problem:cool:
Well we had noticed, but being polite Brits we didn't like to mention it, in any case of far greater importance is the news that Clive of India has finally passed on aged 225yrs.
A paradox reduced to two words, usually in an adjective-noun ("eloquent silence") or adverb-adjective ("inertly strong") relationship, and is used for effect, to emphasize contrasts, incongruities, hypocrisy, or simply the complex nature of reality. Examples: wise fool, ignorantly learned, polite Brit, laughing sadness, pious hate.

How odd...
Anyway Stuff the cat (probably has been) what about getting Blair retired ...or stuffed....or both.


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