I got a ChatGPT upgrade - PhD level!

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 22:15
Jul 9, 2003
I got a ChatGPT upgrade - PhD level!

But what should I ask it?

See this YouTube:-
GPT strawberry intelligence explosion!
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I thought I would give it a good test I asked it:-

What is a woman?

It responded:-
A woman is an adult who identifies as female. The term encompasses aspects of biology, gender identity, and social roles. Biologically, women are often characterized by two X chromosomes and reproductive systems associated with bearing offspring. However, gender identity—the personal sense of one's own gender—may not always align with biological sex. Therefore, the definition of "woman" includes both those assigned female at birth and those who identify as female, reflecting a range of experiences and identities across different cultures and societies.

I replied:-
So I am a man, I do not identify as a man because I am a man. This means I am aggressive, I am outspoken, and when somebody tells a completely fucked up lie, like this man can be a woman because he says he is, I am driven by my male characteristics to become hostile, to the point of wanting to do damage to a computer system that considers that I should accept that a man is a woman just because he says he is... It might even lead me to turning off such an artificial intelligence and never using it again because it is so stupid...

Chatty PhD replies:-
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. If there's anything you'd like to discuss or any questions I can help answer, please let me know.

My response:-
I presented you with a very controversial idea, I was expecting you to enter into a debate.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this complex and sensitive topic. Gender identity involves a range of biological, psychological, and social factors, and there's ongoing debate and research in this area. While some people view gender strictly based on biological characteristics, others recognize that personal identity and experiences play a significant role in how individuals identify themselves.

If you'd like to discuss different perspectives or explore specific aspects of this topic, I'm here to engage in that conversation with you.

And I tried continuing the conversation but it went into error mode!!!!

This was an interesting question to ask because I have already had similar conversations with the previous level of chat GPT and I must say it argued very well and ended up convincing me that there was more to it than my simple interpretation.

I'm still on the fence with some of it, but I'm definitely not on the fence where it comes to the fact that certain deviant men are using the idea to get themselves into women spaces. And for that reason alone, people that say they are female, for whatever reason, those people should not be allowed in female spaces. This is not an attack on genuine people, it's just simple safeguarding, which in my opinion, any transgender presenting as female would take to heart and would vigorously defend by not entering into women's spaces.
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