Implement a Global Error Handler to build a rock-solid application.


George Hepworth
Local time
Today, 02:06
Nov 25, 2004
Please join us on Thursday, August 3rd for a look at Global Error Handlers With Tom van Stiphout and Kim Young.

Tom van Stiphout and Kim Young explain and demonstrate the Global Error Handler implemented in Northwind Developer Edition

Global Error Handling is one of the modern features implemented in the recently released Northwind "2.0" templates. Tom and Kim will demonstrate it in action, explore the class module behind it, and show you how you can implement global error handling in all of your Access applications.

An enhanced version of the original global error handler has been developed for release in an upcoming, enhanced version of Northwind Developer Edition. Tom and Kim will give you a preview in this meeting. Join us to find out how it's been enhanced.
I plagiarized the Class that came with Northwind 2.0 and life is good. I wont be able to attend, but I cant wait for the YT video...
Hah, I logged in this morning to ask a question about this.

I've imported and been using the global handler from Northwind, and it works great except one small issue:
The first error that triggers the handler is not fully captured. The secondary data in the error system such as Err.Description, Err.Number, and Erl all come in blank. After the first error the handler is fully initialized and captures all information normally.

Am I missing a step in using this code?
Hah, I logged in this morning to ask a question about this.

I've imported and been using the global handler from Northwind, and it works great except one small issue:
The first error that triggers the handler is not fully captured. The secondary data in the error system such as Err.Description, Err.Number, and Erl all come in blank. After the first error the handler is fully initialized and captures all information normally.

Am I missing a step in using this code?
;)And you've identified part of the reason there will be an enhanced version of the error handler in NW Dev version 2.2, which we're trying to get packaged up for delivery to Microsoft in the near future. Join us Thursday for, I hope, a preview.

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