Import Excel Data into Access via VBA

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Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 10:33
Oct 17, 2012
First off, if you're just going to pull a contiguous range of data in and aren't worried about validating the sheet OR the data, then just use the TransferSpreadsheet method. It's much faster, and honestly, easier to use.

That said, this is the module I built to handle the procedure when TransferSpreadsheet won't cut it. It is somewhat complex, but it was built to handle the following criteria:

  • The database requires import of multiple types of spreadsheets (Ex: Consents, Clinics, and Status).
  • The needed columns could appear in any order.
  • Not all lines may contain actual data.
  • The data must be cleaned as it is imported.
  • There are more columns in the destination table than there are being imported.

I generally set up a driver that will run a routine that has the user pick the file with the Open File dialog, then verifies the file name and extension are correct, then it finally calls the verification and import functions in sequence, but it doesn't HAVE to be done this way. In the attached file, I have included a database with:

  • The import code
  • The tables that drive the import procedure
  • A testing module
  • A test table
  • A spreadsheet with test data

Just open a module, and in the immediate window type "Call testimport".

Here is the code for the testing. Make sure that your test data is stored at C:\TestData.xlsx - if you saved it somewhere else, then you'll need to modify the code with the correct location.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub TestImport()

Dim xlb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xls As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Validated As Integer
Dim Imported As Boolean

On Error GoTo test_err

    Set xlb = Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open("C:\TestData.xlsx")
    Set xls = xlb.Sheets(1)
    Validated = VerifyHeaders(xls, 1)
    If Validated <> 3 Then
        MsgBox "Validation Error!"
        Imported = ImportSpreadsheet(xls, 1)
        If Imported Then
            MsgBox "Import Successful"
            MsgBox "Import NOT Successful"
        End If
    End If
    If Not xls Is Nothing Then Set xls = Nothing
    If Not xlb Is Nothing Then
        Set xlb = Nothing
    End If
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume test_exit
End Sub

The actual import module is rather longer, consisting of a validation function, an import function, a number of data cleaning functions, and a specific lookup function. That said, here's its code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
' ************************************************************
' This module requires a table named dbo_tblColumns in the back end with the following fields:
'   SSID        PK  (Long Int - ID of the spreadsheet being checked)
'   ColumnRef   PK  (Int - Column reference in the spreadsheet - used to generate elements for conHeaderCols)
'   ColumnHeader    (Txt - Column header as expected in the spreadsheet)
'   BoundField      (Txt - Name of the field this column will append to.
' A second table (dbo_tblSpreadsheets) is required with the following:
'   SSID        PK  (Autonumber - Spreadsheet ID number)
'   SSName          (Text - Name of the spreadsheet in general terms (Clinics, Consents, etc)
'   AppendTo        (Text - Name of the table to which the spreadsheet will be appended)
'   CheckColumn     (Text - Header of a column that will ALWAYS have data in a good record.)
'   HeaderRow       (Long - Which row contains the headers.)
'       *Note - if data is going to more than one table, it must be imported first to an
'       raw data import table, THEN split.
' ************************************************************
'Column name stored when verification fails to find a specific header
Public gstrColumn As String
'Array used to track which columns contain which data.
Public gavarHeaderCols() As Variant
Public Function VerifyHeaders(ByRef xls As Worksheet, _
                              ByVal intSSID As Integer) As Integer
' ************************************************************
' Created by       : Scott L Prince
' Parameters       : Referenced spreadsheeet
' Result           : Integer (0 = Misc Error, 1 = Empty dbo_tblColums, 2 = Header Mismatch, 3 = Okay)
' Date             : 5/17/13
' Remarks          : This routine reads the column headers and verifies the headers against values in dbo_tblColumns.
' Changes          : (5/21/13) Modified to search for the columns that match the provided header names and determine
'                              the column number from that.  It is to be used with a dynamic global array 'gavarHeaderCols'.
'                    (6/19/13) Rewritten to allow selection of spreadsheet type, and therefore, headers to be checked.
' ************************************************************
On Error GoTo VerifyHeaders_Err
    Dim strProcName As String       'Procedure name
    Dim strSQL As String            'SQL string
    Dim dbsCurrent As DAO.Database  'Current database
    Dim rstColumns As DAO.Recordset 'Recordset used to drive the search
    Dim intColumnCount As Integer   'Counter used while searching column headers.
    Dim blnHeaderFound As Boolean   'Flag used to track if a header is found before finding an empty cell.
    Dim strTempHeader As String     'The header of the current column in the spreadsheet being searched.
    Dim intColumns As Integer       'The number of columns to be imported.
    Dim lngHeaderRow As Long        'The row on the spreadsheet which contains the header.
    Dim intLastColumn As Integer    'The last column used on this spreadsheet.
    'Set defaults.
    strProcName = "VerifyHeaders"
    VerifyHeaders = 0
    intLastColumn = xls.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    lngHeaderRow = DLookup("[HeaderRow]", "dbo_tblSpreadsheets", "[SSID] = " & intSSID)
    'Create SQL string for upcoming search.
    strSQL = "SELECT dbo_tblColumns.* FROM dbo_tblColumns WHERE dbo_tblColumns.SSID = " & intSSID & " ORDER BY dbo_tblColumns.ColumnRef;"
    'Open a recordset based on dbo_tblColumns to get needed data for searching the designated worksheet.
    Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
    Set rstColumns = dbsCurrent.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    With rstColumns
    'Make sure recordset is not empty.  If it is, then return 1 and exit.
    If .BOF And .EOF Then
        'Recordset is empty. Return code for empty recordset.
        VerifyHeaders = 1
        'tblColumns is not empty, so get the column count.
        intColumns = .RecordCount
        'Redim gavarHeaderCols to match the current column count.
        ReDim gavarHeaderCols(intColumns - 1)
        'Move back to the beginning of the recordset.
        'Search the column headers on the spreadsheet for each of the required headers from the recordset, in order.
        Do Until .EOF
            blnHeaderFound = False      'Set to FALSE for each header.
            'Cycle through each column until we find the correct header or an empty cell.
            For intColumnCount = 1 To intLastColumn
                'Determine the header for the current column.
                strTempHeader = Trim(CStr(Nz(xls.Cells(lngHeaderRow, intColumnCount).Value, "")))
                'Compare against the value we're searching for.
                If strTempHeader = .Fields("ColumnHeader") Then
                    'Match found.  Assign the current column to the matching field in gavarHeaderCols,
                    'set blnHeaderFound to True, and exit the loop.
                    gavarHeaderCols(.Fields("ColumnRef")) = intColumnCount
                    blnHeaderFound = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next intColumnCount
            'Determine if a matching header was found.
            If blnHeaderFound Then
                'Match found, so loop to the next record.
                'No match found.  Save the missing column header to gstrColumn and exit the loop.
                gstrColumn = .Fields("ColumnHeader")
                Exit Do
            End If
        'If EOF, then all headers matched.  If not EOF, then there was a mismatch.
        If .EOF Then
            VerifyHeaders = 3    'Return code for header okay.
            VerifyHeaders = 2    'Return code for header mismatch.
        End If
    End If
    End With
    If Not rstColumns Is Nothing Then
        Set rstColumns = Nothing
        Set dbsCurrent = Nothing
    End If
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "In Function:" & vbTab & strProcName & vbCrLf & _
    "Err Number: " & vbTab & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
    "Description: " & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
    "Error in " & Chr$(34) & strProcName & Chr$(34)
    Resume VerifyHeaders_Exit
End Function
Public Function ImportSpreadsheet(ByRef objImport As Worksheet, _
                                  ByVal intSSID As Integer) As Boolean
' ************************************************************
' Created by       : slp
' Parameters       : Worksheet to be imported
'                    Spreadsheet type to be imported
'                    ColumnRef of the primary field (one which will ALWAYS have data in a valid record)
' Result           : Boolean
' Date             : 6-4-13
' Remarks          : Imports the provided worksheet into the designated table.
' Changes          :
' ************************************************************
On Error GoTo ImportSpreadsheet_Err
    Dim strProcName As String                   'Procedure name
    Dim lngMaxRow As Long                       'Number of rows in the spreadsheet
    Dim lngRow As Long                          'Loop counter
    Dim objWorkspace As DAO.Workspace           'Current workspace.  Used to allow transaction.
    Dim rstImport As DAO.Recordset              'Recordset representing table to be appended to.
    Dim fld As Field                            'Current field being updated
    Dim intOrdinal As Integer                   'Field's ordinal - will match the array element
    Dim bolTransaction As Boolean               'True if a transaction is in progress, false otherwise.
    Dim strTemp As String                       'Used to hold each value in turn while being trimmed (if necessary)
    Dim dteValue As Date                        'strTemp converted to a date.
    Dim varPhone As Variant                     'Result of funConvertPhone function run on strTemp.
    Dim lngLoop As Long                         'Loop counter
    Dim strDestTable As String                  'Table into which data will be imported.
    Dim lngFirstRow As Long                     'First row with data - always the first after the header row.
    Dim intCheck As Integer                     'The ColumnRef of a column that contains data in all valid records.
    Dim test As Variant
    strProcName = "ImportSpreadsheet"
    ImportSpreadsheet = False
    Set objWorkspace = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
    bolTransaction = False
    lngLoop = 1
    strDestTable = DLookup("[AppendTo]", "dbo_tblSpreadsheets", "[SSID] = " & intSSID)
    lngFirstRow = DLookup("[HeaderRow]", "dbo_tblSpreadsheets", "[SSID] = " & intSSID) + 1
    intCheck = DLookup("[ColumnRef]", "dbo_tblColumns", "[ColumnHeader] = '" & _
               DLookup("[CheckColumn]", "dbo_tblSpreadsheets", "[SSID] = " & intSSID) & "'")
    'Open the table to be appended as a recordset.
    Set rstImport = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(strDestTable)
    'Determine the number of rows that will be entered.
    lngMaxRow = objImport.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    'Create a status meter.
    SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, "Importing data...", lngMaxRow
    DoCmd.Hourglass True
    'Start the transaction
    bolTransaction = True
    'Cycle through each row and import each line.
    For lngRow = lngFirstRow To lngMaxRow
        'Only enter rows where the column indicated by intCheck isn't blank.
        If Trim(CStr(Nz(objImport.Cells(lngRow, gavarHeaderCols(intCheck)), ""))) <> "" Then
            rstImport.AddNew                            'Add new record
            'For each field in sequence, import the matching column from gaintHeaderCols
            For Each fld In rstImport.Fields
                intOrdinal = GetColumnRef(fld.Name)     'Determine the correct column to pull from
                If intOrdinal <> -1 Then                'The column exists in tblColumns
                    strTemp = Trim(CStr(Nz(objImport.Cells(lngRow, gavarHeaderCols(intOrdinal)), "")))   'Import the appropriate value
                    'Clean the data according to the table settings.
                    Select Case fld.Type
                        Case dbBoolean
                            'Convert strTemp to True or False.
                            fld.Value = ConvertYN(strTemp)
                        Case dbCurrency
                            'Convert strTemp to currency.
                            fld.Value = ConvertToCurr(strTemp)
                        Case dbDate
                            'Convert strTemp to a date.
                            On Error Resume Next
                            dteValue = CDate(strTemp)
                            On Error GoTo ImportSpreadsheet_Err
                            If Not IsNull(dteValue) Then fld.Value = dteValue
                        Case dbDouble, dbByte, dbDecimal, dbInteger, dbLong, dbSingle
                            'Convert strTemp to a double.
                            fld.Value = ConvNum(strTemp, fld.Type, fld.Properties("DecimalPlaces").Value)
                        Case dbText
                            'Truncate strTemp to the field size.
                            fld.Value = Left(strTemp, fld.Size)
                    End Select
                End If
            rstImport.Update                        'Update the record
        End If
        lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
        SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, lngLoop
    'All data has been imported.  Commit the transaction and close out.
    bolTransaction = False
    ImportSpreadsheet = True
    SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
    If Not objWorkspace Is Nothing Then                 'Workspace is still defined.
        If bolTransaction Then objWorkspace.Rollback    'If the transaction hasn't been committed, then roll it back.
        Set objWorkspace = Nothing
    End If
    If Not rstImport Is Nothing Then                    'Recordset is still defined.
        Set rstImport = Nothing
    End If
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "In Function:" & vbTab & strProcName & vbCrLf & _
    "Err Number: " & vbTab & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
    "Description: " & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
    "Error in " & Chr$(34) & strProcName & Chr$(34)
    Resume ImportSpreadsheet_Exit
End Function
Function ConvertYN(ByVal varValue As Variant) As Boolean
' ************************************************************
' Created by       : slp
' Parameters       : Value to be converted
' Result           : Boolean
' Date             : 4-27-13
' Remarks          : This routine converts 'Y' or 'Yes' or 'True' to True, anything else to False
' Changes          :
' ************************************************************
    Dim varValue1 As Variant
    Dim strProcName As String
    On Error GoTo ConvertYN_Err
    strProcName = "ConvertYN"
    Select Case varValue
        Case Null
            ConvertYN = False
            Exit Function
        Case ""
            ConvertYN = False
            Exit Function
        Case True
            ConvertYN = True
            Exit Function
        Case False
            ConvertYN = False
            Exit Function
        Case Else
            varValue1 = CStr(UCase(varValue))
            Select Case varValue1
                Case "Y"
                    ConvertYN = True
                    Exit Function
                Case "YES"
                    ConvertYN = True
                    Exit Function
                Case "TRUE"
                    ConvertYN = True
                    Exit Function
                Case Else
                    ConvertYN = False
            End Select
    End Select
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "In Function:" & vbTab & strProcName & vbCrLf & _
    "Err Number: " & vbTab & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
    "Description: " & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
    "Error in " & Chr$(34) & strProcName & Chr$(34)
    Resume ConvertYN_Exit
End Function
Function ConvertToCurr(ByVal varAmount As Variant) As Currency
' ************************************************************
' Created by       : slp
' Parameters       : value to be checked
' Result           : Currency
' Date             : 4-25-13
' Remarks          : This routine converts non-numeric cell values to $0.00
'                    Returns either the numeric value or $0.00.
' Changes          :
' ************************************************************
    Dim strProcName As String
    On Error GoTo ConvertToCurr_Err
    strProcName = "ConvertToCurr"
    'If the value of varAmount is anything other than a number, set it to 0.
    If IsNull(varAmount) Or varAmount = "" Or Not IsNumeric(varAmount) Then varAmount = 0
    'Convert varAmount to the Currency data type.
    ConvertToCurr = CCur(varAmount)
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "In Function:" & vbTab & strProcName & vbCrLf & _
    "Err Number: " & vbTab & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
    "Description: " & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
    "Error in " & Chr$(34) & strProcName & Chr$(34)
    Resume ConvertToCurr_Exit
End Function
Function ConvNum(ByVal varInput As Variant, _
                 ByVal varType As Variant, _
                 Optional ByVal bytPlaces As Byte = 0) As Variant
' ************************************************************
' Created by       : slp
' Parameters       : Value to be converted
'                    Valid numerical data type.
' Result           : Numeric type as indicated by strType
' Date             : 4-27-13
' Remarks          : This routine converts the supplied value to a number.
'                    Non-numeric values become 0
' Changes          :
' ************************************************************
Dim strProcName As String
Dim varTempVal As Variant
    On Error GoTo ConvNum_Err
    strProcName = "ConvNum"
    'If imported value is a null, empty string, or non-numeric value, this function returns a 0.
    If Nz(varInput, "") = "" Or Not IsNumeric(varInput) Then
        varTempVal = 0
        varTempVal = varInput
    End If
    'Convert to the selected numerical data type.
    Select Case varType
        Case dbByte
            ConvNum = CByte(varTempVal)
        Case dbDouble
            ConvNum = Round(CDbl(varTempVal) + 0.0000000001, bytPlaces)
        Case dbDecimal
            ConvNum = Round(CDec(varTempVal) + 0.0000000001, bytPlaces)
        Case dbInteger
            ConvNum = CInt(varTempVal + 0.0000000001)
        Case dbLong
            ConvNum = CLng(varTempVal + 0.0000000001)
        Case dbSingle
            ConvNum = Round(CSng(varTempVal) + 0.0000000001, bytPlaces)
        Case Else
    End Select
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "In Function:" & vbTab & strProcName & vbCrLf & _
    "Err Number: " & vbTab & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
    "Description: " & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
    "Error in " & Chr$(34) & strProcName & Chr$(34)
    Resume ConvNum_Exit
End Function
Private Function GetColumnRef(ByVal strFieldName) As Integer
Dim strProcName As String
Dim intLocation As Integer
On Error GoTo GetColumnRef_Err
    strProcName = "GetColumnRef"
    intLocation = DLookup("[ColumnRef]", "dbo_tblColumns", "[BoundField] = '" & strFieldName & "'")
    GetColumnRef = intLocation
    Exit Function
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 94
            'Invalid use of Null - no matching ColumnRef
            intLocation = -1
            Resume Next
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Error occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
            "In Function:" & vbTab & strProcName & vbCrLf & _
            "Err Number: " & vbTab & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
            "Description: " & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
            "Error in " & Chr$(34) & strProcName & Chr$(34)
            Resume GetColumnRef_Exit
        End Select
End Function

And yes, this behemoth can be trimmed down a LOT if your columns will always be in the same location on the spreadsheet, you only have one spreadsheet you would ever import into the database, the imported data are the only fields in the destination table, etc. I will probably post trimmed versions of the code for each of these situations later.

Yes, this thing took a while to type up, but it's saving a ton of time now that I don't have to create a separate validation and import routine for every spreadsheet getting imported into every application my bosses have me build. I just slap in this module and the two tables, fill in the spreadsheet and column info, and I'm done with setting up the imports.

Oh, and if you actually (heaven forbid) use my system, don't forget to clear out the Columns and Spreadsheet tables first. :D


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Thanks for your contribution. I´ve tried to re use this code :) But i have a problem when import to tables.

First of all, in dbo_tblSpreadsheets table, add a row with information of the other imported table

After, i make similar table to dbo_tblMembers

To conclude, invoke 2 times to TestImport with differents SSID, diferents path and diferents file.

In the process, Import the first table well but in the second importation appear a error messag in VerifyHeaders -> Subscript out of range. Error number 9.

Could you please help me?

Perhaps i am using the other header....


i have a problem when try to import two differents tables.

Could you please help me?

This is the steps that i´d do....

1)Create in dbo_tblSpreadsheets other register with ssid 2 to the other table.

2) make a similiar table to dbo_tblMembers with the new structure table

3) invoke TestImport 2 times with differents paths, files and ssid

After that, import the fisrt table but there is an error in the imported second one about the headers. I think that it is problem that i use the fists header to the second table.

Could you please help me?


i have a problem when try to import two differents tables.

Could you please help me?

This is the steps that i´d do....

1)Create in dbo_tblSpreadsheets other register with ssid 2 to the other table.

2) make a similiar table to dbo_tblMembers with the new structure table

3) invoke TestImport 2 times with differents paths, files and ssid

After that, import the fisrt table but there is an error in the imported second one about the headers. I think that it is problem that i use the fists header to the second table.

Could you please help me?


The issue here is that the function GetColumnRef is using simple DLookup for finding the column reference number in the table dbo_tblColumns.

To fix this issue you need to do two things.

1) Fix GetColumnRef function DLookup statement:
Private Function GetColumnRef(ByVal strFieldName, ByVal SSID) As Integer


intLocation = DLookup("[ColumnRef]", "tbl5_XlColumns", "[BoundField] = '" & strFieldName & _
                            "' And [SSID] = " & SSID)

See especially the additional criteria, which specifies also for which SSID this is. It is important to add it to function parameters.

2) Fix ImportSpreadsheet function where function GetColumnRef is used (just one row, Ctrl+F and search for it is your best friend here):
intOrdinal = GetColumnRef(fld.Name, intSSID)     'Determine the correct column to pull from
Pass also the intSSID variable to the function.

It should work then for as many tables you want with as many columns with same name as in other tables.
Let's say I have multiple files. Some of them are the same like your example and same header, but the rest excel files are missing few headers (fields), 1-2 shorter columns, but header names are same. So my question is, will your code work for the excel files with missing few header to import to the same Access table? If not, do you know how to make it work? Thank you!
Thanks for the great post!

Your code worked perfectly in my current project and saved me weeks of work.

My project needs to import a huge variety of spreadsheets into a couple target tables in the database.

I'm a new programmer, and I couldn't see any way to pass a varying SSID value to testImport. So, I made a couple form-driven queries to get the specific spreadsheet / target table specs into your tables. Now I can import any number of different spreadsheets into the database with one click. It's almost too easy!

Thanks again!
Thanks a bunch for this. However I am importing a second excel file into another table I added it in the tblSpreadsheets with SSID 2 and also used the same table of tblColumns to define the fields. This however throws a verification error. Do I create a different to define fields(like tblColumns), then have another importSpreadsheet procedure? what is the workflow like when importing more than 1 file into its own table.

I have tested your code and seems terrific. How needs to be done if we nee to add 2 or more tables, what will be the next step? Can you walk us through?
Thank you!
Okay, the posts from #3 on just got released today (6/13/2018). I did make a variation that could handle importing to multiple tables, but not only was it for an employer (meaning that version is their property), but I no longer work there and couldn't get the code from there even if I wanted to.

While I'm actually not particularly happy with this code these days, based on the number of views and downloads, it seems to fill a need, so I'll work on putting together an updated version. It'll take some time, though, and since I'm out of the house at least 12 hours every day, that pretty much means this weekend. :)
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