I hope you are fine. In this database we have in form text12.
how can we add function in query and form to filter date range
example >=1970-1-1 and <=1990-12-30.
Date of Birth is defined as a text type field - If you want this to work DoB needs to be set as a date/time type field in the table.
As it is how will you filter using a text range of >=1970-1-1 and <=1990-12-30
Once you have set up a date/time field for DOB you will need to work with the date portion of the field: review date functions.
Thanks for you answering my appearing question, I forget, how can i show all dates,
without given limited range, like also add (All records) as we did for other filter
another question since i m new in MS access
i try this code ,when i leave blank it did not work
BETWEEN IIf(IsNull([StartDate]),[StartDate]) AND IIf(IsNull([EndDate]), [EndDate]))