incorparating subforms in ExportXML


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Today, 22:48
Jul 13, 2011
I have been searching the web and this forum extensively, but haven't found a real solution; so any thoughts on this are most welcome.
I'll try to give enough information here; maybe I'm on the wrong track tackling this ..

I work for a publisher and am in the process of transferring the PDF's of our journal articles to the Dutch Royal Library. They require a XML file per article. I have been building a database for the articles and want to export the XML from there.

Export function that creates XML files per article (that part I sort of solved) with information from different tables. End results should looking something like this (given to me by the library):
            <PublisherName>Informa Healthcare</PublisherName>
            <Place>Leukemia and Lymphoma</Place>
            <JournalTitle>Leukemia and Lymphoma</JournalTitle>
            <IssueTitle>Titel van nummer</IssueTitle>
        <ArticleTitle>Src-family kinases in the development and therapy of Philadelphia
            chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia</ArticleTitle>
The DB consist of 3 [main] tables (article, authors, journal) linked through many-to-many relations via linking-tables. There's a form[frmMain] that uses the article table and has two sub forms with the information from the other tables: authors can have written multiple articles and an article can have more than one author. Just as one journal contains multiple articles.
I export from the form via this VBA code, where I already tried to use CreateAdditionalData:
Private Sub Export_Click()
 Dim rsR As DAO.Recordset
 Set rsR = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblArticle", dbOpenSnapshot)
 Set objOtherTbls = Application.CreateAdditionalData
     ' Add the tables to the data to be exported.
     objOtherTbls.Add "tblAuthor"
 Do Until rsR.EOF
   Application.ExportXML acExportForm, "frmMain", _
    Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\" & rsR.Fields("ArticleID").Value & ".xml", , , , , , _
     "[ArticleID] = " & rsR.Fields("ArticleID").Value, objOtherTbls
End Sub
That now generates this kind of files
<ArticleTitle>Vrije tijd in het Rome van de Keizertijd. Plebs en het feest</ArticleTitle>
<AuthorLastName>Boonekamp-Van Iterson</AuthorLastName>

  1. The exported XML files do not only contain the authors of that article but the whole list: all the authors in the DB. How do I limit the list to only those shown in the subform? It seems that there is no link now.

  2. How can I select the fields to be exported from the aditionalData? i.a. I don't need the AuthorID, just the names.
  3. Some of the other values [taken from supporting tables] are now showing as the ID's instead of the text values i.a Language.
That's quite some info I realise :o. Any thoughts on this are much appreciated!:D


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