this code works great on the local table in access without any problem
when upgrading from access to SQL server Azure
index and seek on this code not accept any solution from my side
I changed the dbOpenDynaset etc but it does not work also
the code is very long and depends on 2 line index and seek
the code is created by the previous programmer
I don't what I should do. thanks in advance
this code works great on the local table in access without any problem
when upgrading from access to SQL server Azure
index and seek on this code not accept any solution from my side
I changed the dbOpenDynaset etc but it does not work also
the code is very long and depends on 2 line index and seek
the code is created by the previous programmer
I don't what I should do. thanks in advance
On Error GoTo Err_CheckPedigree_Click
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAnimals", DB_OPEN_TABLE)
Set Irs = db.OpenRecordset("tblImports", DB_OPEN_TABLE)
'Set Ors = db.OpenRecordset("tblOtherCodes", DB_OPEN_TABLE)
'Set crs = db.OpenRecordset("tblColours", DB_OPEN_TABLE)
Set brs = db.OpenRecordset("tblBreeds", DB_OPEN_TABLE)
rs.Index = "Animals"
'crs.Index = "ColourCode"
brs.Index = "PrimaryKey"
Sp = " "
Me!ss = ""
Me!ssbc = ""
Me!sd = ""
Me!sdbc = ""
Me!ds = ""
Me!dsbc = ""
Me!dd = ""
Me!ddbc = ""
Me!sss = ""
Me!sssbc = ""
Me!ssd = ""
Me!ssdbc = ""
Me!sds = ""
Me!sdsbc = ""
Me!sdd = ""
Me!sddbc = ""
Me!ddd = ""
Me!dddbc = ""
Me!dds = ""
Me!ddsbc = ""
Me!dsd = ""
Me!dsdbc = ""
Me!dss = ""
Me!dssbc = ""
Me!ssno = ""
Me!sdno = ""
Me!dsno = ""
Me!ddno = ""
Me!sssno = ""
Me!ssdno = ""
Me!sdsno = ""
Me!sddno = ""
Me!dssno = ""
Me!dsdno = ""
Me!ddsno = ""
Me!dddno = ""
Me!DDDSX = ""
Me!ddssx = ""
sbc = ""
sn = ""
If IsNull(Forms!frmPedigree!AnmlRegnNo) Then
Exit Sub
rs.Seek "=", Forms!frmPedigree!AnmlOrigHerdBook, Forms!frmPedigree!AnmlRegnNo, Forms!frmPedigree!AnmlSex
If rs.NoMatch Then
Forms!frmPedigree!AnmlName1 = ""
Exit Sub