Yes it creates the constraints but it should also upsize the hidden indexes or Access shouldn't create them. The teams don't appear to talk to each other.
I was just thinking about all the things to consider when migrating.
For example, An Access index has a boolean option for Ignore Null while in SS you need to apply a filter to the index (I think SSMA now does that) but you should only do that if the column allows nulls.
FKs in SS have options for all the Access options, Enforce, Cascade Delete, Cascade Update, Cascade to Null but also one that Access doesn't have: Cascade to Default. Useful for when, for example, you have a default on the Customer ID column in your Invoice table that has the Customer ID of the Cash Customer so when you decide to delete all your customers who haven't made a purchase in the last year or so then deleting the customers changes the Customer ID to Cash. Nice.
And there are some significant differences that should be addressed propertly, IMO, rather than just letting SSMA do its thing.
So I find that doing a review of the new structure, creating tables and columns and creating constraints like DFs, FKs and Indexes with nice names (and the FK and Index can have the same name) before migrating the data is a good thing to do. PKs are a bit weird. Unlike FKs, Access creates Indexes that are visible but with 'PrimaryKey' as the name. SS creates an Index with the same name as the PK constraint but this name must be unique to the db not just the table. SSMA deals with that... badly. SS does have SPs to change PK names after the event but still.
And yes I know that SSMA breaks these two processes up into separate tasks but I find this a good time to do a full review on the structure, indexes and constraints and their naming rather than migrating problems and crappy names. And it's a good time to fix bad data rather than just bung it in with No Checks.